Something More: Part 12

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Steve and Natasha got up early and worked out. When they were finished they started making breakfast for everyone, "I can't believe no one is up yet!" Steve said to Natasha, he thought that everyone should get up and seize the day. Typical military man.

"Maybe they watched a movie or something and were up late?" Natasha handed Steve his coffee and kissed him on the cheek. "I mean we were up late, obviously not sleeping and still managed to get up at a decent time but you're a super soldier and I'm a master assassin so obviously we are superior." Natasha grinned and looked flirtatiously at Steve. He laughed and was rubbing her back with his other hand when Clint walked in.

"Hey! First one up means first dips on breakfast. Where is everyone?" Steve said stepping away from Natasha and handing Clint a plate.

"Don't really know." Clint looked extra grumpy. He wouldn't make eye contact with Steve. Natasha noticed his behaviour and thought maybe he had a fight with Laura. It was rare but he would always get grumpy and mopey if she was mad at him. He was one of Nat's closest friends, she actually considered him a brother. If he did something stupid she would no doubt have to help him apologize to Laura in some extravagant way to make it up to her. Natasha walked over and gave him a hug.

"Hey! Long time no see. When did you get in?"

"Last night. Dinner time." Clint got his food, and a coffee and sat at the island.

"How's Laura? And the kids?" Nat was leaning on the counter across from him.

"They're good. Got lots of work done on the house this summer. Kids miss you."

"I miss them too. Maybe I can go babysit them sometime so you and Laura can have a night out in the city?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to Laura."

"So guys we have a briefing today in a couple hours. I'm going to shower and get ready. Good to see you Clint. Babe." Steve kissed Nat on the head and left. Clint was staring at Natasha.

"What?" Natasha was almost embarrassed. She really thought that Tony would have sent out a mass text or something. "I thought you knew?"

"No. I didn't. Were you with Steve last night?" Clint put down his fork. He looked serious all of a sudden.

"Yes. Why?" Natasha crossed her arms and stood up straight.

"Nat you realize I'm in the room beside Steve right?"

Natasha looked at him with her brow furrowed not understanding what he meant. All of a sudden she felt her face heat up as the realization of what he was saying hit her like a truck, "Oh my god...." she put her hand over her mouth. "Clint did you..?"

"Yup, I did."

"I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry!" Natasha covered her face with both hands,

"It's only a little embarrassing. Just maybe have sex in your room.. across the hall... and way at the other end.. and Nat? If he hurts you, you know I have to kick his ass right? And if I knew my little sister was in the room beside me last night I could have punched him right then." Clint shook his head and started laughing, he picked up his fork and went back to eating.

"Yeah. Good idea. And I know." Nat forced a laugh, "I'm going to go get ready for the meeting." As she rushed out of there.

Later at the meeting:

Tony and Steve were the only two in there when Natasha walked in. They were laughing about some bonehead thing Tony must have said. Nat walked over and put an arm around Steve's waist.

"Hey, there you are. What's wrong?" Steve read the concern on Natasha's face.

"Nothing, I umm could use your help for a second." She walked a few feet away and Steve followed. "So umm, Tony didn't tell everyone... well at least not Clint."

"Is that why he was grumpy this morning? He was the last to know?" Steve smirked and chuckled lightly.

"No. He was mad because we kept him up all night and then he was more mad when he figured out it was me with you."

"Shit. Okay. I'll talk to Clint, he's probably just being over protective. You know how he is, he loves you." Steve ran his fingers down her cheek across her chin and winked at her.

Natasha blushed and looked down. Everyone started filing in; Wanda, Sam, Rhodey, Clint and Vision.

"Okay folks, we have a job to do. Covert. Undercover. I would like to personally volunteer for this. I am the best man for the job." Stark was boasting. Natasha rolled her eyes knowing that meant he was the least qualified.

"It's an undercover op in a nightclub Tony, what qualifies you for that?" Rhodey looked up from the file with an eyebrow raised.

Tony almost looked hurt. He fake gasped and put a hand on his chest, "I hear no better ideas. Anyone?!"

"Well, it should be Nat right? She is a spy and if you're trying to get in good with a kingpin drug dealer, you should send in someone who is his type and won't raise concerns." Natasha was touched with Sam's confidence in her and she smiled to herself feeling pretty pleased.

"How do you know she's his type?" Wanda asked innocently.

"She is everyone's type. But that's beside the point guys! It should be me!" Tony sounded like a whiny child now and Natasha couldn't help but roll her eyes and look to the ceiling. She could feel the tension beside her and when she looked at Steve she noticed he was red and was clenching his fist under the table. She couldn't decide if it was the comment about being everyone's type or that fact that the team was willing to basically prostitute her out for the job that made him angry. Either way it was sweet, she grabbed his hand casually under the table and brought it to her lap and laced their fingers giving him a reassuring squeeze. He calmed down instantly but still looked unsure. Luckily no one noticed them as they were so wrapped up planning how Natasha was going to draw this mans attention.

It was decided that Sam, Steve and Wanda would be undercover as back up in the club. Tony and Rhodey would be on a roof nearby in case anything big went down.

When they left the meeting, Steve walked with Natasha to her room still looking like a kicked puppy, "Are you sure you're okay with this Baby?"

"This is what I do Steve. I will be okay. And you'll be there if anything happens." She wrapped her arms around his waist and got on her toes begging for a kiss. Steve put his arms around her and kissed her gently. He stared at her again. Like he didn't want to ask, but he needed too. She knew what was coming.

"How far are you going to go?" He looked hurt before he even got an answer. Nat didn't know how to answer him. She was never in this situation before. Sure she had boyfriends but nothing serious. And they never knew what she did for a living. She didn't even feel the need to tell them how far she was willing to go for an op if they had known. She thought about it before saying, "I don't know Steve. I've never had to explain my decisions to anyone before. How far are you comfortable with? I care about what you think."

Steve didn't really have to think about it, "It makes me sick thinking about another man having his hands on you. But I know I have to get over that. I know you'll be coming home with me at the end of the night." He smirked and looked away for a second before looking her in the eyes again. "No sex, oral or otherwise. Please, I don't think I could handle it."

"Steve, don't worry. I would never cheat on you for any reason." She put her hand on his neck bringing his face to hers. The kiss was so tender it made Natasha's knees weak.

"Baby, I have to start getting ready." She broke the kiss but Steve was still trying to get her to cancel the mission. He was kissing her neck and holding her close. "Baby?" Natasha was already breathless and begging him to answer her. If he stopped for a minute maybe she could think. Her innocent soldier using sex against her. The tables have turned and she isn't sure when it happened. When did he get the upper hand? He had to stop when someone knocked on the door, "Can you answer that?" She asked as she ran to the bathroom breathless and started the shower, finally escaping his arms.

Steve sighed and let Wanda in, she wanted to get ready with Nat so he left to shower alone.

To be continued...

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