Something More: Part 20

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"Wake up mommy!"

Natasha slowly sat up and looked at the boy shaking her.

"What's going on?" She groggily said while rubbing her face.

"I had a bad dream. Can I get in bed with you mommy? Please?"

"Sure baby. Come here." She lifted the small boy into the bed and put him between her and a sleeping Steve, damn him for sleeping through anything, "want to tell be what the dream was about baby?" He cuddled into her chest and wrapped his little arms around her neck.

"I dreamed you and Daddy had a another baby and didn't love me no more. You said James was a bad boy."

"Aw, Baby I love you so much! Even if mommy and daddy have another baby, you're my little baby forever. I would never love you less. Now, go to sleep love." She started rubbing her fingers through his hair and humming until he fell asleep. She kissed the top of his head and realized Steve was now awake and staring at her. "What?"

"I just love seeing you like this. It's hard to believe he's almost 3. We need to tell him soon, you can't hide it forever." Steve spoke softly as he reached over to stroke her face.

"First of all: he is barely two and a half, stop aging him. And secondly, I'm not trying to hide it necessarily. But did you hear him freaking out thinking we would love a new baby more than him?! I can't tell him I'm pregnant now" she whisper shouted to her handsome soldier.

Natasha woke up, her hand instantly going to her bump and sighed when she felt the baby move. That was new and scared the life out of her the first time it happened. She was also having strange and vivid dreams lately which also freaked her out. She was starting to get very over protective and paranoid the further she got through her pregnancy. On one hand she couldn't wait to meet their baby, but she knew that this was the safest it will ever be while she is still carrying the precious cargo inside her. She let herself fantasize about a little boy who was a carbon copy of Steve. Or a little girl with his eyes. She smiled to herself while rubbing her bump and turned to look at Steve, still sleeping beside her. He looked very relaxed with a slight pout on his face. He's so sexy. He was facing her and his hand which she assumed started out on her baby bump was now in a dangerous place, Natasha chuckled softly thinking about how she tried for 2 hours to get Steve to say the name of what he referred to as her honeypot. Thinking about how Steve would blush if he woke up like that, made Natasha smirk. She ran her fingers through his hair lightly and he turned his head slightly to her touch.

"Good morning, Baby." Natasha watched the way the sunlight made his hair look even lighter. It was still early and the orange hues of the rising sun made Steve look even more sexy. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones.

"Good morning." Steve mumbled as he softly stretched bringing his hand to her belly, "active today?"

"Yeah. This little nugget woke me up." Natasha smiled at her belly then Steve as he sat up on his elbow to kiss her belly and talk to it. This is how they spent most of their mornings. With Natasha now 6 months pregnant, things were changing rapidly. She couldn't hide it from anyone anymore. That lead her to not being seen in public unless she was heavily undercover. And she definitely refused to be seen in public with Steve. He was too easily recognized. They did all the shopping for the baby online. They had boxes sitting around that had yet to be unpacked and the baby room was left to be set up. Steve had a surprise for Natasha; he had bought a house not far from the compound in the woods. He was waiting for the perfect time to tell her. He was noticing that Natasha's had motherly instincts were starting to show. Steve had read as many books as he could in the last few months to prepare himself. Not wanting to be teased about it by anyone, even Natasha; he didn't tell a soul. He knew she would start wanting to 'nest' soon so he had Pepper and Wanda helping him with the last minute things to get the house ready.

"I have a surprise for you tonight. We are going out."

"Steve, you know I can't. I don't want any of our enemies knowing we are having a baby. I also don't know the stress or scrutiny of the public. There will be so many woman who want me dead for dating you let alone having your baby." She started off serious but a smile grew on her face making her smirk at him.

"No one will see us I promise." Giving her his best smile that always made her knees week.

After a brief pause, she gave in, "Fine. But under one condition." Natasha stated while crossing her arms over her chest trying to look serious.

"What's that baby?" Steve's eyes wandered to her growing chest that was now accentuated by her arms. He blushed and forced his eyes back to hers trying to push his thoughts away.

"We are finding out the gender at our next appointment. I really want to start unpacking and decorating the baby room and we have to start thinking about names and it would just be so much easier if we knew all the pertinent information." Natasha replied, while trying to look stern. Steve thought she looked adorable, not that he would tell her that.

"Okay." Steve said, then pecked her lips.


"Yes. I want to wait but this is our first baby and I am nervous and excited as well, so maybe we will feel better having all the information. But if we have another baby... can we be surprised?"

Natasha was a slightly shocked. This baby was an accident. She was so happy and excited but she was also terrified and apprehensive. If Steve wanted more children with her, did that mean he saw spending the rest of his life with her? They hadn't really talked about that before. She had never planned on having a husband or children but she couldn't get the thoughts out of her head once she tried to picture it will Steve. She loved him more than she had loved anyone before. She wanted that life with him and it scared her. She wasn't supposed to be able to have kids. Could she even get pregnant again?

"You want more kids? Let's have this one first and see how it goes."

Steve furrowed his brows slightly and Natasha felt like he was staring into her soul. She hates the effect he has on her. She also loved it. She was turning into a bipolar bitch. Damn hormones.

"Fine. IF, and that's a big if mister, we have more kids... the next one can be a surprise."

Steve smiled and murmured against her lips, "Thanks, love."

"I know. I'm amazing. Now help me get up, I have to pee. Your child is using my bladder as a punching bag." She groaned causing Steve to chuckle.

"My child." He smiles while helping her up and kissing her temple.

"Yes. Yours when they act up, my children will behave themselves." Natasha pointed at Steve poking his chest while trying to look stern. The more heavily pregnant she got, the less intimidating Steve found her and the more intimidating Tony found her.

Later in the day, Steve had Wanda and Pepper keep Natasha busy with getting ready as he was building the baby furniture with the help of Tony. This consisted mostly of Steve getting confused and Tony taking control and making snide remarks.

When Steve finally got Natasha in the car, he smiled and handed her a blindfold.

"I'm not wearing that." She deadpanned.

"Come on baby. Don't you trust me?" Steve gave his best smile. He found that it worked most of the time with her.

"Yes. That doesn't mean I want to wear this."

"It's a surprise. You have to. And you didn't say anything about hating blindfolds the other night." He smirked and the blushed instantly.

"Cheeky. When did you get so bold?" To say Natasha was shocked by his brazen remark would be an understatement. Steve was never that bold with her outside of the bedroom.

"Taking a page out of your playbook." Steve shrugged. A smile creeped onto his face and she hesitantly put the blindfold on, "It's not far. You're going to love it."

At least, he hopes she will love it....

To be continued...

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