Something More: Part 22

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Time flew by as the couple started getting comfortable in their new house. Before they knew it, it was Thursday and Natasha was getting anxious. Steve was driving, holding her hand on her lap. He was watching her out of the corner of his eye, absentmindedly rubbing her baby bump. "You okay baby? You look like you're a thousand miles away."

"Yes, I'm fine." She gave him a warm smile. She loved how he worries. He drives her crazy but she wouldn't change him. She leaned over the centre console and kissed his cheek. She chuckled lightly, trying to rub the lipstick off him, causing Steve the blush. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." Steve brought her hand to his lips and kissed her wrist. Before they knew it the were pulling into the parking lot at the doctors. Steve opened Natasha's door helping her out of the car and taking her hand giving her a reassuring squeeze. This was considered a high risk pregnancy, as Natasha wasn't supposed to be able to have children. Pair that with Steve's serum, and the unknown becomes extraordinarily terrifying. She had to have more regular checkups to ensure everything was progressing the way it should and both mom and baby were doing well. This added to her anxiety about hospitals. Steve made sure to be at every single appointment. Natasha always put on a brave face and anyone would assume she was any normal pregnant woman. Steve however, knew how strongly she had to fight her anxiety. After the nurses were done with their jobs and left Steve and Natasha sitting in the exam room waiting for the doctor, Steve stood between Natasha's legs and held her in his arms. She had her cheek against his chest, while he rubbed her back just breathing in his scent. After a couple minutes, Steve could feel her physically relax. She pulled her head away and rest her chin on his chest looking up at him with her lips puckered waiting for a kiss. Steve smiled down at her and made no move to kiss her making her pout. Laughing softly he pecked her lips and smiled at her again.

"I love you, you know that? I don't know what I would do without you. You're always taking care of us." She smiled at him as he started rubbing her bump, the baby kicking his hand in response.

"I love you both. Relax baby, everything is all good. We are about to find out if we are having a beautiful baby girl or handsome little man."

"You secretly want a girl. I can tell."  Natasha smirked at him. He had a dumbfounded look on his face while he tried to argue, shaking his head.

"I just want you and the baby to be happy and healthy. I don't care about gender, either one will make me the happiest man in the world." Steve then gave her one of his best smiles making Natasha fight a grin and shake her head slowly. She had to give it to him; he is smooth as hell.

"Mhmmm. Well I think it's a boy. Mother's intuition and all that. Can you please calm down your child now. Listening to you talk is making the baby restless. My ribs are taking a pounding." She groaned while rubbing her bump. He just smiled and dropped to his knees in front of her whispering to the baby and placing both hands on her belly. After a couple minutes, she didn't feel anymore movement.

"Thank you. Must have fallen asleep." She sighed as Steve stood up smirking.

"I think we know who the favourite is already." He flashed a cheeky smile.

"Really? Well that's great, you can get up throughout the night and put the baby back to sleep. You know; since you're their favourite."Natasha gave a sweet smile leaning back on her hands behind her. Steve instantly stopped smirking and his mouth fell open slightly. Before he could respond the door opened and doctor Cho walked in.

"Good morning Romanoger family! How are we doing today?" Dr. Cho said with a smile. Sometimes her cheerful disposition really pissed Natasha off, like today. She just turned her head and rolled her eyes so she wouldn't see. Steve gave her a stern look. She raised her eyebrows and shrugged feigning innocence. Slightly shaking his head and turning to face Cho, Natasha let the two of them engage in small talk. It was never really her thing anyway. She just wanted to see her baby and go home. Cho went over her bloodwork and all her other tests which came back amazing.

"Basically, you're the picture of health for a pregnant woman. Now you're 34 weeks, so these last few weeks might be a little difficult. You're a little on the small side, the baby should be about 4.7 lbs and I'm measuring about 4.1 lbs. I just want to you keep doing what you're doing but I expect the baby to almost double in size by the time you deliver."she watched as Natasha's eyes went wide. "I know I told you, you could only deliver a baby naturally that is 7 lbs due to your small frame but you have seen the size of your partner right? We will just have to monitor and possibly induce early if we have to."

"What about a home delivery?" Natasha had been pushing for one mainly because of her anxiety of being at the hospital. Cho had agreed that keeping her calm during the delivery would be the highest on the priority list as long as the baby was healthy enough. Steve had told her about Natasha's anxiety. Cho could already tell by the way her heart rate spiked at the hospital. They ran into each other at the compound and she checked Natasha's blood pressure out of curiosity and it was perfect.

"We will keep monitoring, as long as everything looks good I see no problem with delivering at home. I may come to the compound and stay on standby so I am close by if needed. Even if we induce I see no problem with you going home to deliver."

"Thank you, Cho." Natasha smiled at her and could feel herself relaxing again. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"Well, are we ready to see this baby?"

"Yes!" Steve and Natasha answered at the same time. Cho smiled as she got them all set up. Natasha was leaned back, with Steve standing beside her holding her hand.

"Okay. We are in a good position today to find out gender. Do you want to know what you're having?"

"Yes please." Natasha sat up a little waiting to see the screen.

"Alright. Here is your baby." She turned the screen so the couple could see the baby's face taking screenshots for them to take home. Then she moved the wand to check the gender.

"Is that....?" Steve trailed off looking at the screen.

"Yes Captain. Congratulations, it's a...."

To be continued...

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