Something More: Part 6

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The bathroom was full of steam. Natasha wiped the mirror and looked at herself. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself... she didn't understand why she was so nervous. She already had sex with Steve, she shouldn't be this afraid to go on a date with him. Was it a date? That was it right there, she wasn't sure if it was actually a date. They needed to talk, but what if she didn't like what he said?

When she came out of the bathroom in her towel to her surprise Wanda was sitting on her bed.

"Oh my god! You scared me half to death. What are you doing?" Natasha grabbed her chest. Her heart was pounding. She hated herself a little for her reaction. She was a god damn spy and this kid snuck up on her.

"Are you going on a date? What are you going to wear? Where is he taking you? Are you excited? What are you doing with your hair?" Wanda was rambling on and Natasha finally had to cut her off, "I don't know!" Natasha looked at Wanda, she was so nervous she didn't mean to yell. She instantly regretted it, " I don't know where he is taking me. I have no idea what to wear, and I'm so nervous I might throw up."

Wanda ran over and hugged Natasha, "I have the perfect think for you to wear. I'll be right back." And she took off sprinting out the door. Nat shook her head and put on her bra and underwear, she put the towel on her head and started looking at shoes. Wanda came running in with a pretty, blood red dress. It was short and was a sundress style. Too revealing with a plunging neck line.

"Wanda, I can't wear that! Look how low it is! And short! You shouldn't be wearing that either."

"Relax Nat, it's brand new I haven't worn it yet. Try it on!" Wanda rolled her eyes and handed Nat the dress. She took it with some hesitation and put it on. Wanda put both hands over her mouth and smiled, "Nat you look beautiful!"

Nat walked to the mirror. She was surprised. Obviously, she wasn't daft enough to not realize she was attractive. She used her sexuality for years as a spy to deceive men. She wondered if it was because she genuinely cared about what Steve thought that she was so surprised and so nervous.

"Just don't tell Steve it's my dress." Wanda joked, "he will kill me. Now, your hair." Wanda said crossing her arms.

"What's wrong with my hair?" Nat frowned and turned to look at Wanda.

"Nothing! I just think that if we curl it a little and leave it down it would be really pretty! And would suit the dress." Wanda offered a smile and Nat sighed. She decided it wasn't worth a fight. She usually braided her hair or left it straight so it might be a nice change of pace. After Wanda finished her hair and Nat put on a little makeup, Wanda helped her pick a necklace and a pair of black pumps to match the dress. Wanda wished Nat good luck and she made her way out to the car.

Steve was standing there leaning against his vintage mustang. He looked so handsome with his dark blue jeans and leather jacket. Natasha saw a look on his face that was soon becoming familiar, she smiled as she walked up to him. "What's wrong? Is it the dress? I said it was too much.."

"Natasha you look beautiful." Steve took a step towards Nat. He was so close. She thought he was going to kiss her but he took her hand and walked her to the passenger side and opened the door. He ran to his side after she got in.

"So. Where are we going Mr. Rogers?" Nat said with a smile.

"You'll see, Ms. Romanoff. You'll see." Steve looked at Nat and took her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. She never took her eyes off Steve.

To be continued...

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