Something More: Part 37

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Natasha and Maria had a great time. She had missed her best friend and knew that she needed to make time for her. Natasha needed to learn balance. Something she never needed to learn before. All she had was work. Now she has a family, and friends which she never thought possible. When they arrived back at the compound it was around 3pm. She walked into the building decided to look for her fiancé first. Heading down to the training rooms, Natasha got a bad feeling. She tried to shake it off as the elevators opened, but it was persistent. Walking in, she heard what sounded like people sparing. Natasha then noticed there was only two people in the room.

One of which was her future husband. The other, someone she loathes. In a very compromising position.

Natasha was instantly fuming. No matter how many times she asked Steve to stay away from Sharon Carter, he wouldn't. It pissed her off, but it also hurt her feelings that he has such disregard for her feelings. She crossed her arms and waited for one of them to notice her. Steve did first, and got up off the floor and smiled as he made his way over to Natasha.

"Hi, love. I missed you today." He wrapped one arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"Did you?" Natasha hummed as she looked over to see a smiling Agent 13. She wasn't smiling to be friendly to Natasha. She was happy that Natasha saw that, regardless of how innocent it was. On Steve's part anyway.

Steve looked like a confused puppy. He didn't know why Natasha was upset. He could see it all over her face. Her aloof attitude could fool anyone but him.

"What's wrong, baby?" He whispered now looking down at her.

Natasha was still pissed. But she couldn't have Sharon win. Natasha faked a smile and cupped Steve's face bringing him down into a heated make out session right in front of the other agent. Natasha pulled away causing Steve to chase her lips before turning around and sauntering away. As soon as she was out of sight she was fuming again. She made her way to Pepper's to get her son.

"Hi Natasha! Do you guys want to stay for dinner?" Pepper asked before seeing the look on Natasha's face, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just need to get James home."

"He's sleeping, I can go grab him if you like?"

Natasha didn't respond, just went to go get her sleeping son. He whimpered slightly when she picked him up and was asleep instantly when he heard his mother's heartbeat.

When Natasha walked back out to the kitchen, Tony and Maria were standing there.

"Hi Natalie." Tony smirked. Natasha just smiled at him, confusing him instantly.

"Maria can you drive us home?"

"Sure, where is Steve?" She grabbed her keys as she stood up.

"He has better things to do." Natasha quickly snapped making everyone raise their eyebrows.

"Alright, let's get you home." Maria shared a look with Tony and Pepper as she followed Natasha out.

"Hey FRIDAY? Where is Capsicle?"

"He is in the training room boss."

Tony and Pepper looked at each other a little confused. Natasha always understood the importance of the work they do and she never acted like that before.

"Who is he with?"

"Agent Sharon Carter, Ms. Potts."

"Oh shit." They both said in unison. Everyone knew Natasha couldn't stand her. And everyone but Steve knew why. Tony instantly started briskly walking towards the elevator.


"Hey Cap. Can I talk to you?" Tony bounced around at the door of the training room waiting for Steve. Steve walked slowly towards him with a confused look on his face.

"What is it Tony?"

"Where's your wife?"

"Natasha? We aren't married yet." Steve furrowed his eyebrows.

"Might not ever." Tony whispered under his breath.

"What? What happened?" Tony looked a little shocked but he forgot about the super soldier's advanced hearing. He nervously chuckled, "See the thing is; she came in super pissed and grabbed James and asked Maria to give her a ride. She left maybe 15 minutes ago."

Steve paled. He could tell she was upset but now he was wondering if she would be at home when he got there. She had a tendency to run from her problems and to say he wasn't worried would be a bold faced lie. Steve didn't even respond. He turned and grabbed his keys before running out the door after his fiancée.


Natasha was sitting in the rocking chair holding James. She knew she had to wake him up soon but she wanted to just hold her baby. Salem was snuggled into her side as she closed her eyes briefly.

"Nat!? Natasha!" She rolled her eyes when she heard Steve come barreling in the front door. She quickly but carefully got up and laid James down in his crib before his father woke him up.

"What?" Natasha found Steve as he was about to leave the master bedroom. He instantly pulled her into a hug. He was afraid to let her go.

"I-I, nevermind. What happened? How did you get home?" Steve cupped her face as he looked into her eyes.

"You were busy. I needed to get James home so Maria dropped us off." Natasha was trying to not lose her cool. She didn't want to hurt Steve by pulling away from him. On the other hand she thought if he was so inconsiderate with her feelings why did she care about his? Damn being the bigger person.

"Nothing is more important than you and James. I thought you were spending time with Pepper or I would have drove us home." Steve could see Natasha was holding back. He grabbed her hand and lead her to their bed. He sat against the head board pulling her to lay against him. Natasha had her head against her chest. "What's the matter?"

Natasha sighed, "I-I feel like you don't care about my feelings. I'm not going to tell you who you can and can not talk to or spend time with. But I need you to consider how I feel. I know that Sharon likes you; as more than a friend. And it bothers me that she thinks she has a shot. I know you're just being nice, and I trust you. But it still upsets me. And it might be hormones, I don't know. But would you like me to be training someone who you thought was in love with me alone? Or going on missions with them alone? It only takes them catching you off guard once and then they can twist it into something it's not. Or someone seeing it and goes to the spouse and then it's a fight. I don't want that for us." Natasha wiped her tears off her face as Steve rubbed her back.

"I'm really sorry, Natasha. I have been really insensitive. I should always put you first." Steve kissed her head, "I will make a more conscious effort, baby. I'm sorry."

Natasha looked up into Steve's eyes and she knew he was being honest. She leaned up to lightly peck his lips.

"I'm sorry, too. For running. I should have asked to talk to you right away but I just was angry and over whelmed."

"It's okay. I know you have to process, I was just so scared you left me." Steve smiled sadly down at Natasha.  She leaned up to met his lips again, whispering against his lips.


To be continued...

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