Something More: Part 25

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Natasha was getting ready in their bedroom. She was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when she could sense Steve behind her. He was staying just out of sight, leaning against the door frame watching his heavily pregnant girlfriend.

"Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to come give me a kiss?" Natasha smirked as she turned to face him. "Steve! We agreed not to give them any hints on gender and you're wearing a blue shirt?"

"Baby, this is one of my nicest shirts. I don't think-."

"You know how Tony is." She cut him off. "He is going to be watching both of us constantly trying to figure it out." She gave him a gentle smile, while wrapping her arms around him the best she could. "I set out a white dress shirt for you." She stood on her tip toes and puckered her lips. Steve leaned down and kissed her gently.

"You look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you. Now stop trying to get in my pants and get ready, Wanda should be almost here to set up." Natasha walked to the door but stopped dead when she saw Steve take off his shirt. She didn't notice him talking to her, "Hmm?"

"I said, you aren't wearing pants so it wouldn't be that hard and you just proved me right." He laughed as he put on his new dress shirt.

"Shut up." Natasha smiled to herself as she headed downstairs. She heard the doorbell as she made it to the kitchen and greeted a very excited Wanda.

"HI! Thank you so much for letting me do this Nat, I know its not really your style so thank you for letting me take control." She was grinning from ear to ear as she started carrying in supplies.

"It's no problem Wanda. You're like a little sister to me and I wouldn't trust anyone else to do this. Do you need any help?" Natasha asked while trying to take a bag from her.

"Nope. All covered." As she answered, her red spirals drifted past Natasha carrying the rest of the supplies Wanda brought and out to the backyard.

"That works. I always just make Steve do all the heavy lifting." Natasha smirked crossing her arms. Wanda giggled as Steve came jogging down the stairs.

"Hey Wanda, you ready for this?" Steve asked as he put his arm around Natasha.

"I have never been more ready! This is so exciting." She squealed as her and Steve headed out to set up the games. Slowly, everyone started showing up and Natasha greeted each one of them. Maria Hill walks in holding a present in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other.

"Do you have limes?" She asked Natasha as she handed her the bottle.

"You know I can't drink right?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well, more for me." Maria smiled as she removed her sunglasses. Natasha rolled her eyes and grabbed limes out of the fridge for her.

"Natalie! How's the bun?" Tony asked walking up behind Natasha. He reached to place a hand on her bump but after receiving a death glare from Natasha he retracted his hand and tried and failed to play it off.

"Tony, don't start." Pepper gave him a pointed look. "How are you feeling Natasha?" Pepper gave her a quick hug and held her at arms length. "You look amazing."

"No hitting on Natalie. Capsicle will have a heart attack. And how come she is allowed to touch you and I can't?" Tony asked, with his hand to his chest.

Natasha looked past Pepper to Tony and replied with a serious face, "Because I actually like Pepper." Tony deadpanned, he looked to Steve as he walked in the room.

"Umm, Cap? Spider Mama is being mean to me again."

"You probably deserved it." Tony scoffed at Steve. Natasha smiled and kissed Steve's cheek. "We are ready for everyone to head outside." Steve announced to everyone in the room.

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