Something More: Part 27

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Steve sped to the hospital.

He was trying his best to stay calm, but he was failing miserably. Natasha was so calm she was almost stoic. It was freaking Steve out even more. She reached over to rub Steve's thigh in a futile attempt to relax the soon to be father. She smirked when she realized they had completely switched roles. The smirk was quickly wiped off her face as she was hit with a contraction and was trying to breathe through it. She didn't think Steve noticed, but she didn't realize she was squeezing his knee. Steve picked up her hand and brought it to his lips before rubbing his thumb on her hand, "Breathe, baby."

"I am. Maybe you should try it." She gave him a sweet smile. "I can't believe we are going to finally meet him."

"I know, love. I can't wait."

"I love you. Everything is going to be okay." Steve nodded at Natasha's positivity and kissed the back of her hand again.

"I love you, too." Steve pulled into the hospital, parking in the lot after an argument with Natasha stating that she will walk through the doors on her own two feet, just like she will be leaving on her own two feet. They checked in and were taken to labour and delivery where they were waiting on Cho. Steve helped Natasha into her hospital gown and then got her in bed. Now he was pacing around the room, getting more and more agitated.

"I'm here! How are you feeling Mama?" Cho smiled at Natasha, immediately taking in her calm domineer. She was surprised Steve was able to convince her to give birth at the hospital but she wasn't about to bring that up or ask about her anxiety when she seamed so relaxed even in labour. She washed her hands in the sink before putting on her gloves.

"I'm fine." Natasha smiled and looked over at Steve, "He might need a drink though."

"Too bad I can't get drunk, love." Steve walked over and picked up her hand.

"You should be the one having a baby then. I miss vodka." Natasha closed her eyes and laid her head on her pillow. Cho and Steve both chuckled as she started checking on Natasha's progress.

"You're doing well Nat. You're about 4cm dilated. But I hear your water hasn't broken yet. I would like to break it, and start you on an oxytocin drip to help you progress. How long have you been having contractions?"

"Since last night. They were pretty far apart until about an hour ago.."

"I told you we shouldn't have had sex last night." Steve cut her off, earning a raised eyebrow and a glare from Natasha.

"Technically, you're 38 weeks and 4 days. I would consider you full term. Its probably best you went into labour on your own and didn't make it to 40 weeks. I believe you can still deliver naturally so this will save you a cesarian." Cho tried to keep the peace between the soon to be parents.

Natasha looked at Steve with a grin, "Told you it was worth it." Steve's face went beet red as he looked at Natasha in disbelief.

"Natasha!" He whisper-shouted.

"What? You're the one that told her we had sex?"

"Okay. Well, I will be right back to get you all situated and then it should be a couple more hours before you start pushing." Cho walked out of the room leaving the expectant parents alone. They talked together quietly and Steve held her hand through the contractions until Cho returned to set up the drip and break her water as promised. Things picked up quickly from there and a few short hours later Natasha was fully dilated. After 45 minutes of pushing, Steve and Natasha hear the cries of their son fill the room leading both to tears.

"He looks like you, baby." Steve whispered to Natasha while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"He is blonde. I would have put money on him being a redhead." Natasha smiled and turned to Steve. He was leaning in to see James who was swaddled against Natasha's chest. She reached up with her hand that wasn't holding James and placed it on Steve's cheek. Steve gave her a sweet kiss, then leaned his forehead against Natasha's. "Thank you."

"For what, baby?" Steve opened his eyes and searched her face. She looked exhausted, but still so beautiful. She teared up as she looked from Steve to James.

"I never thought I would be a mother. I never thought I would love anyone as much as I love you and James." Steve pecked her lips again and then kissed James' head.

"Marry me." Steve looked to the redhead, never more sure of anything in his life. He wasn't asking; he was telling her to marry him. He had grown in confidence all thanks to her, even if he doesn't show it to anyone else.

"What?" Natasha thought she was so tired; she was hearing things. She looked into Steve's blue eyes that she prays her son inherits.

"I said: Marry me."

To be continued...

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