Something More: Part 53

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Something to hold you over... I haven't forgotten about you 😘

Wanda was nervously wringing her hands as she waited by the front window.

"Relax,  дорогая." (Sweetheart) Natasha rubbed Wanda's back as she teen took a deep breath.

"I just really hope that this goes well. I really like him." Wanda felt tiny hands on her pant leg and looked down at Sarah. She smiled before picking up the giggling baby.

"It okay sissy." James chirped from his spot in the floor where he was playing with his cars.

"Thank you Jamie." Wanda smiled at her little brother who beamed at her praise.

Steve walks into the room with Grace in his arms. Natasha smiles when she sees them, knowing that they are finally growing a bond. He hands Grace to Natasha before sitting on the couch.

"Everything will be fine Wanda. Your mother has ensured I will be on my best behaviour."

Wanda nods and turns to look out the window again, missing the wink that was sent her mothers way. Natasha sits in the recliner with Grace, and is soon joined by Salem. The feline still has a distain for Steve but the kids seem to be growing on her.

"He's here!" Wanda thrusts her sister into Steve's arms before running to the front door.

"Calm down, baby." Natasha places her hand on her husband's bouncing leg in an effort to calm him down.

"How are you so calm?" Steve drags his hand down his face while Sarah tries to use him as a jungle gym.

"I already ran a background check on him and his whole family." The spy shrugs a shoulder as she tries to divert Grace's attention away from nursing as the littlest Rogers starts tugging at her shirt.

"You ran a background check on a 17 year old boy?" Natasha gave him a look with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh course I did. This is our daughter we're taking about. And he isn't 17... he's 18." With that the assassin stands and heads towards the front door.

"What?!" Steve says through gritted teeth as he rushes to follow his wife.

"It's nice to meet you Mathew. My name is Natasha, and this is Grace." Natasha extended her free hand and shook the nervous teens.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Rogers, you have a lovely home."

"Thank you. Please, call me Natasha." The spy smiled warmly as she felt her husband press up against her back.

"Good morning, sir." Mathew put his hand out towards Steve. His confidence faltered when Steve eyed his hand before reluctantly shaking it.

"Nice to meet you."

"These are my parents and my sisters. That's Sarah." Wanda points to the giggling redhead in her father's arms. "James is around here somewhere." Wanda looks around briefly before shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, we can have brunch on the patio outback. Wanda, can you help me?" Natasha hands Grace to Steve and takes her eldest's hand. Wanda starts to protest before she is whisked away to the kitchen to grab the trays.

"Come on." Steve grumbles as he leads Mathew through the house. James sees his father and starts running to the patio door, knowing he can play outside.

Steve sighs as he watches his son run right to the sandbox. No point in even telling him not to get dirty. It will fall on deaf ears.

"Tell me about yourself." Steve sits down for his interrogation.

"Umm what would you like to know, sir?" Mathew gulps. He didn't realize Wanda's father would be huge. Steve was looking pretty murderous as he sat with the twins. He was glaring across the table at the boy who wanted to date his daughter.

"You could start with your likes and dislikes or we can skip right to the what are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Okay! Food is here!" Natasha smiled as she walked out with the fruit and sandwiches.

As soon as Grace sees her mother, she starts fusing in her father's arms and reaching for her. Natasha smiles and sighs softly as she takes her youngest.

"Come here, princess." Natasha walks into the house, returning a moment later with a coverup so she can nurse.

Wanda thought her face would be permanently red with how embarrassing Steve was being. She was trying really hard to control the red wisps as her mother rubs her knee in comfort.

"I didn't realize your siblings were all so little." Mathew spoke softly to Wanda.

"Yeah. Mom and Dad have only been together a couple of years. I was adopted recently."

"You've been ours for a long time honey. It doesn't matter what a piece of paper says." Natasha winks at Wanda who mouths I love you.

"That's really cool. Most kids don't get adopted as teenagers. My aunt and uncle adopted my cousins when they were toddlers." Mathew smiles softly at Wanda as he reaches for a mini sandwich.

"Do you have siblings?" Natasha asks as she slightly rocks Grace.

Mathew nods, "My sister is 15 and my brother is 10."

"You're all so grown up." Natasha pouts at Steve, "I need more."

"Dammit woman." Steve sighs as he hands Sarah a piece of watermelon.

"You guys have 3 under what 3? You are going to be so busy." Mathew chuckles and Wanda joins in.

"Sarah and Grace are 1 and James is almost 3." Wanda giggles as she looks at her parents.

"I love all of you so much, what's a few more?" Natasha pushes Wanda's hair behind her ear as James runs over.

"Mama! Look! It's a frog!"

"I see that, baby. Why don't you put him back where you found him so he doesn't get lost and Daddy will help you wash your hands? It's time to eat something."

"Okay Mama!" James runs away before quickly coming back. Steve hands Sarah off to Mathew, silently testing him as he takes James inside.

"Uh hi." Mathew says as he looks at Sarah. She blows a spit bubble and giggles at him. Wanda stifles a laugh as he grimaces, reaching over and wiping her chin with a napkin.

Natasha smiled as she watches to teens. It was pretty cute to see.

"Just remember: I'm way too young to be a grandmother."


To be continued...

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