Chapter 11: Cooling Off Period

Start from the beginning

“Aren't you home a bit early?” Kun asked as soon as I walked through the door.

“His new girlfriend must be mad at him again…” Lucas was saying when Brianna walked into the apartment behind me.

“Well hello, Brianna.” Xiaojun greets her with a smile while Lucas walks away into the kitchen with embarrassment.

“Guys please don't start,” I sternly demanded when the rest of the guys began to huddle around her like a pack of hungry wolves. “By the way shouldn't you all be getting ready for tonight's performance?” I asked standing as I stood in the entrance of the kitchen with Lucas while he gulped down a cold glass of water.

“We're already dressed,” Winwin responds.

“Pretty lady, are you coming to watch us perform tonight?” Hendery asked Brianna as he pats the seat beside him for her to sit down.

“Why else would she be here if she wasn't?” I answered his dumb question with a sarcastic one of my own. I did this to try to ease the tension that I felt pouring off of Brianna even from where I was standing.

“Ten, why don't you just go get dressed?” I promise your... I mean Brianna will still be here alive and well when you get finished.” Yangyang asserts while dragging me towards my bedroom door.

Brianna POV...

Having six inquisitive handsome guys asking me twenty-one questions about Zanders and mines nonexistent relationships was somehow helping me to keep my mind off the pending ass whooping that I was ready to give both Payton and Blaze when I got back home.

“Ms. Brianna, what do you like to do for fun?” The guy named Hendery asked me.

“Umm... I like to draw people.” I answered.

“Well, fellas isn't that a coincidence? So does Ten.” He says with a gorgeous smile on his face.

“Is there anything else you like to do?” Winwin asked me.

“I like to dance and read,” I respond hesitantly.

“Ten loves to dance too.” Kun chipped in to say.

“What are you trying to do here?” I asked with my left eye raised.

“Nothing. We're just trying to get to know you that's all, Yangyang responds way too quickly if you ask me.

“Is there anything else you like to do?” Lucas asked now standing near the end of the chair beside me.

“Why do I get the sneaky feeling that you guys are trying to play matchmaker between Zander and I?”

“What makes you think that?” They all asked at the same time.

“Your nervous responses are telling me that I'm right,” I reply. “Your friend already has a crazy ass girlfriend who will soon be a dead one if she keeps messing with me,” I add hoping to get them to stop with this absurd idea of hooking Zander and I up.

“The real question here is, are you seeing someone?” Lucas probed. “I'm not asking you this for Ten’s sake I'm asking you this for my damn self.”

“Brianna let's go!” Zander snaps from behind him. His loud, angry voice made Herdery and I jump at the same time.

“Well, guys I guess the fun is over!” Kun says, sounding amused at Zanders angry outburst.

“Not by a long shot Kun,” Lucas replies as everyone heads to the door right behind me.

“Brianna you sit upfront with me!” Zander orders instead of asking me.

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