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🎤🎤When they tryna hold me I go zoom, zoom, zoom
Don't like your vibe and I go zoom, zoom, zoom
Blowing off the roof and it go boom, boom, boom
Don't you ever treat me like I be mumu
Bad energy I zoom, zoom, zoom
I'll be on my way like I'll be coming soon
Got a chopper rolling and it go boom, boom, boom
So when they tryna hold me I go zoom, zoom, zoom🎤🎤

Violet's POV

"Yo, Vio. Wait up." Mike called out.

"But coach said no practice today" I whined.

"Yeah I know" He said with a smirk.

"So why'd you decide to bug me, dummy" I said and playfully hit his chest.

"Was that meant to be playful?" He said sternly.

"Yuh, duh" I said.

"Well, you hit pretty hard so... it hurt"

"Apologise Vio" He said.

"You should be happy bro. Yunno... a lot of guys are prolly waiting for me to punch them." I said with pride.

"Bro... your dumb" He said and laughed throwing his head back and laughing hard.

"Whatever dummy" I said and walked to where his car was parked.

"Yo! You coming for my party?" Mike asked.

"You didn't even bother to tell me small brain" I said and squeezed my face.

"But I'm telling you now" He said looking at me playfully.

"Okeyyyyy. But when?" I asked.

"This night"

"Ouuuuuuu my first party in Beverly" I said excitedly as the engine roared to life.

"Whatever. Don't even try to dress for hours like other girls" He warned playfully but I could see a hint of seriousness.

" Eh, you comparing me to other girls?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm just saying" He said in mock salute.

"You should not say that to someone like me. Yunno, school star player, straight A student, guys girl..."

"Should I go on?" I asked with my batting my eyes playfully.

"Now that's how to do it" He said.

"How to do what?" I asked a bit confused.

Okay, hella confused.

"Yunno that stuff Chloé does with her eyes. Like she's got wrongly placed lenses and her eyes are burning" He said trying to explain.

I understood what he meant but I needed some fun so...

"I don't get it" I said innocently.

"You don't get it?! This stuff" He said and started batting his eyes.

Gosh! He looks so stupid.

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