
17 13 2

"You're perfect the way you are." Dad said as he walked over to me wiping my tears. I didn't even know I was crying. He pulled me into a bear hug as he whispered soothing words into my ears.

"Quiet borderline personality disorder."

"Wh-what?!" I chocked as I heard that.

"You might want to sit down for this." Dad said.



This chapter finalizes the change in environment(Ohio to California)
If you don't understand, leave an inline comment.
If you want to read this chapter you should firstly read the chapter themed 🌹Confession🌹
A quick recap.


"Gracie Wilson... at least you didn't lie about your name and age." Drew said and looked up.

Okay... I'm confused here. What is going on?

"Is there something you have to say? And please... is there something truthful you have to say to us?" Ash asked stressing the truthful.

"Gracie... talk." Drew said staring at Gracie with hatred.

"Please..." She said as her voice broke.


"Gracie why are you pleading." Creed asked as he gently sat beside Gracie.

"I just, you know- it wasn't my fault. I want- you see I-"

She stuttered leaving everyone confused as Drew glared at her with a smirk.

"Let me explain." She said throwing an apologetic look at Creed.

"No, no. No need. Since you can't fix a proper statement." Drew said looking fulfilled.

"Apparently, Gracie Wilson here, was the girl in the hospital. Three years ago when my sister of blessed memory died." Drew said furious.

"Let me expansiate." He said looking at each face in the room one after the other.

"Some minutes before my sister died, I was talking with the Doctor when we saw a girl with thick black hair." Drew said staring squarely at Gracie.

"What does that have to do with Gracie?" Creed asked confused.

"Well as you can see, Gracie has light brown hair but its dyed because its not her hair. She dyed it from black." Drew said.

"Yeah, everyone dyes their hair Drew." Paige said looking between Gracie who was fidgeting and Drew who was boiling.

"Well she did hers for a purpose. She was in love with Andrew; Amelia's bestfriend. She knew Andrew would never be hers so she stalked him." Drew fumed.

"She was there when Amelia arrived. She followed them to the bar. She heard when Andrew said he was starting to fall for Amelia, she was so mad but he saw her."

Fragile✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ