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🎵 So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?🎵


"Who are you" A short black girl asked me.

"I'm Creed a friend-"

"Oh! So you're 'the' Creed" She said and slapped me.

Why did she slap me?

"You finally decided to show up brother" Drew said coming out of the room. He walked pass me and went to comfort the girl who slapped me. She was in tears.

Why is everyone mad at me? I can't remember a thing from the past two hours. I was wasted.

A nicely dressed woman who looked rich walked up to me. She looked scared.... She also looked like Violet.

"Hello young man Im Mrs. Phoenix" She said.


"Hi, I'm Creed... Creed North" I said

"The guy who is hopelessly in love with your daughter" My mind added

"Where is my daughter?" She asked calmly.

Wasn't she alarmed? Why was she so calm about the situation?

"Hello ma'am. You must be Mrs. Phoenix. Its a pleasure to meet you in person." The doctor said.

"What happened this time?" She asked with a frown

"Quiet BPD {Boarderline Personality Disorder} is acting in, rather than acting out, but internalizing all the emotions she feels." He paused

"The fears of abandonment, mood swings, anxiety, self-injurious behaviours, impulsiveness and even suicidal tendencies and black and white thinking (splitting) are all part of being a quiet borderline which your daughter is" He said.

"And I noticed that she's abandoned her medications that's why she's connected to those machines" He said pointing at the room.

Mrs. Phoenix looked annoyed.

"So what was the cause? Anxiety or mood swings?" She asked.

The doctor's gaze dropped and he said
"Love.... Fear of being abandoned by the person she loves"

"Love? Violet?" She asked as tears dropped from her eyes.

"Yes" The doctor responded.

"I'm taking her with me to California now. Her therapists will be here soon, ensure the journalists are not allowed anywhere near my daughter"

What the hell? Why didn't she tell me?


★Gunner's POV★

Ethan and I have been in this bar for hours, he's been with girls; different girls.

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