Chapter 1 The World Of WWE.

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Saying goodbye was never my thing but when it came to saying hello to my dreams I knew that I had to leave it was my time to spread my wings and fly. The tears that were falling down my froster parents cheeks was heartbreaking but I stayed strong I knew that I would see them very soon.Now I am where I need to be, this is where I belong the WWE World Wrestling Entertainment. Maybe this place will have all the answers that I need to tracing down my family but I wasn't here to track down my real family. I was here because it's always been my dream to wrestling in that squared ring and entertain the fans.

This place was really big I didn't know where to start different people were walking past me probably the Superstars, Divas and other people that work here. I got told that I had to go to Triple H's and Stephanie McMahon's office but I didn't know where that was. I remember when I was a little girl me and my father would watch wrestling a lot Triple H and Stephanie were my favourite couple in the WWE and now I'm about to meet them this is crazy.

''Excuse me, You seem lost can I help you?'' I heard a voice from behind me snapping me out of my thoughts I turned around only to come face to face with John Cena.

''Yes, please I'm trying to find Triple H's office but as you can see I'm failing really badly'' I said to him John laughed he looked really cute in person but nothing like me.

''I always walk past their, I'll show you'' he said I grabbed my bag but John took it out of my hands and carried it for me like a gentlemen.

''Are you knew here? I haven't seen you around before but you look like a female version of a male wrestler here.'' John was walking infront of me he galnced behind his back at me while I was looking around the arena.

''Yeah, My name is Lucy. Who is the male wrestler you were talking about?'' I asked him confusion all over my face is it possible for me to look like a male wrestler?

''His name is Randy Orton he's a jerk and a heel speaking of heels you need to watch out for them in this place some of them can be nice but the others are jerks, so be carful. If anyone gives you any trouble then you know where to find me I'll be all over the place I'll sort them out. Well here we are The Authority's office, good luck tonight. I gotta go so I'll see you later?'' John said that last bit sounded like a question I smiled at him while nodding my head.

''You sure will, thank you for everything John good luck in your match, see ya'' I said John smiled then walked away towards the locker room leaving me standing all alone once again. I didn't know what to do right now I was just frozen my hands were all sweaty all the nerves were swimming around my body. I raised my hand towards the door and knocked waiting for a few minutes until I heard a voice say that I could come in. I opened the door and walked inside Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were sat on the sofa but when they saw me they both smiled and stood up.

''Ahh, You must be Lucy Jones? Welcome to the WWE'' Stephanie said to me holding her hand out for me to shake which I did I even did the same with hunter.

''Thank you to the both of you for giving me the chance to be here'' I said Hunter smiled again and told me to sit down so I went and sat down on a chair.

''You are very welcome, I have watched some videos of wrestling I even went to some of your shows you have talent that I have never seen from a diva before. All of the high flying moves that you do are amazing the first time I saw you I knew that you were what this company needed. I do understand that life hasn't been easy for you, I've spoken to some managers of different wrestling companies that you have wrestled for. In and out of care, Adopted, The drugs, The alcahol and the suicide attempts we are very strict with these kind of things in the WWE.'' Triple H said looking at me with worry and concern in his eyes but he has nothing to be worried about.

''Sir, I know what I did in the past is horrible and dangerous I even got kicked out off school a lot for all that until I dropped out. Wrestling has changed my life I wish I could change everything but I've stopped all them things and I promise I will never go near them again.'' I said to him talking about my past made a lump form in my throat but I see where he is coming from with all the strict buisness.

''I see the respect and admiration in your eyes for wrestling and I know that you will never ever do them things ever again. I know that you are trying to find your real family me and Stephanie can help you with that only if you want us to help? We want the best for you in this company and I know that you will do amazing here. So, tonight how would you like to debut?'' Hunter asked me making me eyes shoot open tonight could be my debut was I even ready for this? Of course I am ready I've been ready for this since day one so, I nodded my head yes. ''Great, tonight you will be in a match against Summer Rae.'' Hunter continued I've seen a few Summer Rae matches and she's a piece of cake I think this match is going to be fun.

''Awesome! Thank you both so much for everything and I promise I won't let you down'' I stood up from my chair about to walk out of the office but Stephanie grabbed my arm turning me around to look at them both again.

''We have faith in you, we know that you won't dissapoint us good luck for tonight'' She smiled at me I don't know why but Stephanie reminded me off my froster mom I guess it's because they are so caring. I smiled back at them both and then walking out of their office again my dreams start tonight the moment that I've been waiting for happens tonight and I'm not going to fail.

I don't know why people make out that the Authority are bad people maybe on screen they are but off screen they are so friendly and caring they are really nice people. No one has never acted like that towards me before and knowing that Hunter has seen some of my matches is a blessing. I really wasn't expecting that, I wasn't expecting to debut tonight but the excitement was building up inside of me. The thought of Triple H and Stephanie helping me to find my real family brought tears to my eyes I've been tracking them down for so long and I'm finally getting help. My froster parents has offered to help loads of times but they have too many things going on in their lifes. Tonight it's time for a change, It's time for a new me, It's time to show the world that I can fly through the sky but at the same time be dangerous and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

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