Chapter 66: Gigantomachia

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"You're encroaching on Master's land, you will not go any further." boomed the huge man in a strange augmented voice.


That was the reason the League of Villains hadn't supported us during the attack on Hatsumane base, they had their own things to deal with.

The League of Villains had been fighting Gigantomachia for a very long time, and even at this point Gigantomachia wasn't all that loyal to Shigaraki. He didn't think mister Chapped Lips was a good successor to All For One.

"Who the hell are you? You're not a hero, and you certainly ain't police." Kaiyo asked, on edge.

This man had bulldozed the very road he was running on, his footsteps leaving craters with each step he took. She could sense the power emanating from him, he just oozed raw destructive power.

"I am Gigantomachia, All For One's loyal servant. I now serve under Tomura Shigaraki, All For One's successor. I don't believe he is a worthy successor, and I am hesitant to follow his orders.

He told me to find you and kill you all, he is afraid of you. However, I do not care whether you live or die, so I will not be putting my all into fighting you. That is all you need to know, I am going to kill you now. You are likely not worthy of me using even half of my power."

For a villain, especially one that was close to All For One, he was a nice enough person. It was strange how mild mannered the giant was, even when threatening the Underdogs with death.

"You think you can take us on just cuz you're big? Bring it on then, big guy!" Tendon Spring shouted excitedly before running straight towards the giant.

At this point, Kaiyo knew he was experimenting, testing out the opponent's strength and checking for quirks. If Gigantomachia was simply a massive brute who punched and kicked his way through fights, Tendon Spring would be safe.

If he had lasers or fire or something like that, Tendon Spring would have simply thrown his life away in order to give the rest of the Underdogs a slight advantage by revealing Gigantomachia's quirk.

He stood there idly as Tendon Spring leapt towards him, and as the young man got closer, he swatted him like a fly in the blink of an eye. Tendon Spring was slammed backwards right through the front of a building, his velocity so high that he didn't even bounce, he simply went through solid concrete.

"He has immense power. We're going to have to group up and take him out as a team for this one. This isn't like anything we've ever done, this isn't the police, this isn't the Yakuza, this isn't even the number one hero Endeavour. We attack as a group, or we die." Kaiyo told the remaining Underdogs.

Each of them got ready to attack, and Shoulder Spike grew a little. Not just his spikes, but his entire body. That seemed to be his quirk, he grew and got stronger. He was sort of like a miniature Gigantomachia in a way.

Ribbon Dancer let his skin hang loose, Midas held onto his weapon and readied himself to grab whatever part of Gigantomachia's body he could, Blizzard oxygenated his body by taking several breaths, and Power Fist stood back to charge up.

Kaiyo was on his left side, the others on his right. She watched him as he just stood there, not even bothered to move. It was as if he was acting as a border that can't be passed, rather than an assassin. He didn't care about killing them.

Everyone was frozen in their places for a solid ten seconds or more, until Kaiyo finally shouted, "Now!"

She shot off twelve bones at him, Ribbon Dancer ran towards him, as well as Shoulder Spike and Midas. Blizzard blew from a distance, the chilling effect just about reaching Gigantomachia's left leg.

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