Chapter 9: Sports Festival, Mid-Game!

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The countdown concluded, and Midnight announced the beginning of the game. Every single team, including mine, rushed Midoriya for the ten million headband.

Tetsutetsu was at the front of the formation, Ibara was the back left, and Juzo was back right. It was a bizarre situation, with me hanging onto the shoulders of someone I barely knew with my feet being supported by two other people I barely knew, and before that day I'd never heard of a cavalry battle, so it was all surreal to me.

"Ibara, throw me to Midoriya with your vines. Juzo, try to immobilise their team by sinking them in quicksand. Standby for retrieval."

"Okay!" They all shouted.

Ibara wrapped her vines around me and lifted me up. It was less slimy than the time Tsu did it, completely dry actually. She flung me into the air as I dove towards Midoriya. The ground below their feet had been turned into quicksand, thanks to Juzo's quirk.

Before I knew it, they were suddenly several meters high, and I was forced to teleport back to my team. Midoriya's team had been kitted out with a jet-pack and some strange boots, probably thanks to the new girl they had on their team. She had pink hair and some nifty looking eyes.

We obviously weren't the only ones after Midoriya, as Jiro tried to attack them with her earphone jack, but Tokoyami blocked it with his dark shadow. Their team floated away due to Ochaco's quirk, and we were left to deal with the other teams.

Hagakure suddenly lost her headband to Monoma, and we were left in the chaos.

"Time to get out of here, it's gonna get messy. Let's chase after Midoriya again, if it's still too crowded we'll go for the others, we don't need first, just top four."

They agreed and we chased Midoriya again. Todoroki's team was also after them and were ahead of us, and behind was Shoji, however, I couldn't see who he was protecting. But then, as Midoriya's team tried to flee, a purple orb stuck them to the ground and I turned back to see that it was Mineta and Tsu hidden inside.

Mineta... And Tsu... Hidden together in a small space. Where I couldn't see what he was doing. Mineta, the little pervert was right beside Tsu, probably making moves on her.

"Alex! Pay attention, we're focusing on Midoriya right now!" Tetsutetsu shouted, and I snapped out of it.

"Right! Sorry!" I turned to face Midoriya's team who were again in the air, but this time with a damaged boot that had half of it still stuck to the floor.

Bakugo came out of nowhere as he flew up into the air using his explosion quirk to try to attack Midoriya, who Tokoyami defended using his dark shadow. Sero brought Bakugo back using his tape.

It'd already been seven minutes, and several teams had lost their headbands. We still had ours, making us second place still. Monoma and Kendo were third and fourth respectively.

We stopped chasing after Midoriya as it was a fruitless endeavour trying to attack him since everyone else was too. I was also still preoccupied with Mineta, and decided to get my own personal revenge.

"We should go after team Mineta, they only have three people, Shoji, Tsu, and Mineta, it should be relatively easy to break through their defences. Don't let Mineta's orbs touch you or you'll get stuck. Tsu has a strong tongue that can stretch out twenty meters. Shoji, well as far as I know he has six arms that can turn into eyes, ears and mouths."

We directed our attention to Shoji and chased them. I did have an ulterior motive really, I wanted to check to make sure Mineta wasn't being gross to Tsu, though logically I knew he wouldn't, it was just a silly thought that wouldn't stop bugging me.

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