Raf looked up and turned his gaze to the monitor in front of them, a large image of what looked like a formula on the screen. Raf, after gazing at the image for a moment, removed Robin's arm, got up and jumped down before heading over to the monitor to get a closer look, the others close behind him. "It's important." Raf said. "Real important."

Nemesis Brig

Starscream glared at the door to the brig before directing his glare towards the barley conscious Fowler. "Wake up, you pathetic lump of flesh!" "Mm." Fowler mumbled, waking up slightly. "Grandma, is it cookie time?" Fowler asked in a delirious voice before backing into unconsciousness. Starscream sighed in frustration before a knocking at the door drew his attention. The door to the brig slid open and revealed a Vehicon trooper standing in the doorway. "WELL?" Starscream demanded. The trooper said nothing as he simply collapsed to the ground, Bulkhead with his blaster charged revealed to be standing behind the beaten Vehicon. Bulkhead fired a shot at one of the troopers in the room, hitting him square in the chest while Bumblebee rolled into the room, both bots' weapons soon training on the Decepticons' second-in-command.

Thinking fast, Starscream quickly transformed his hand into a blaster and aimed it at the delirious Fowler behind him. "Not so fast!" he said. Only a second later someone tapped on his head, Starscream looking up to find Arcee hidden in the vent above him. "I wouldn't." Arcee warned, her blaster trained on him. "Oh, but I might." Starscream challenged with a smirk.

Nemesis Bridge

"We gotta get this to Optimus." Raf said as he, Robin, Jack and Miko stared up at the formula on the monitor in front of them. "How do you know it isn't a recipe for space nachos?" Miko asked. "Because he and I know math when we see it, and that is one serious equation." Robin said. "Can you...download it?" Jack asked. "I got a flash drive." Raf said, pulling off his backpack and pulling out said device. "But I don't see anywhere to plug it in. This tech is way alien." Raf said, looking around for anything that looked like a port for the flash drive. "If you give me a minute, I might be able to draw a picture of it." Robing suggested, pulling out a sketchpad. At that moment however, a lone Vehicon walked into the bridge, the group gasping in fear. The trooper came to a slow stop as he stared at all his dead brethren throughout the bridge.

The teens, not wanting to be spotted or found, quickly headed to the side of the room to hide. Raf paused for a moment though upon realizing he'd left his backpack behind. He quickly ran back over and picked up his bag, putting it back on only for the Vehicon to spot him. The trooper activated his blaster and trained it on Raf, said boy letting out a cry of fear.

Nemesis Brig

The brig was completely still and silent, nobody moving a single muscle as the Autobots and Starscream stared each other down. "Now, Agent Fowler and I will take our leave." Starscream spoke, breaking the silence. "The emu says, "YEAH"!" Fowler said deliriously, stealing Starscream's attention. Bumblebee, seeing a chance, fired at Starscream who let out a scream of fear as he dodged, backing away from Fowler. Arcee and Bulkhead quickly followed Bumblebee's lead and opened fire on the Decepticons' second-in-command. Starscream dodged the blasts before leaping into the air, transformed into his alt-form and blasted out of the room, the backfire of his alt-form's engines sending Arcee tumbling out of her hiding place with a grunt of pain. "Whoa!" Bulkhead said in surprise as Starscream flew out of the room and down the hall.

Nemesis Bridge

Raf backed away in fear as the Vehicon slowly stocked towards him, his blaster still aimed straight at him. Robin, Jack and Miko watched the scene in concern before Robin steeled herself and ran out of her hiding place. Raf took off running as the trooper opened fire on him. Just as the blast was about to hit him, Robin tackled Raf to the side and out of harm's way. They landed with a grunt behind one of the dead Vehicons and sat up, Robin quickly calling out to Miko. "MIKO, TAKE A PICTURE!" "Great idea!" Miko said in excitement. Just then the trooper found Robin and Raf and trained his gun on them only for Miko to call out to the Decepticon, drawing his attention to her. "HEY, YOU!" Miko called out before taking a picture of the Decepticon with her phone. "NOT OF THAT!" Jack called out, catching onto Robin's plan as he pointed at the monitor. "OF THAT!"

"Oh." Miko said in understanding, turning her cellphone to the monitor and snapping a photo.


Seconds later a large explosion went off in the bridge, Robin, Jack, Miko and Raf quickly running out of the bridge and into the hall, the Vehicon trooper following close behind them. "GO, GO, GO!" Jack said to the others as they ran. As the trooper was about to fire on the teens, a horn honking filled the air as Bulkhead in his alt-form barreled towards them. Bulkhead quickly transformed into his robot form and flew over the teens' heads and tackled the trooper to the ground. Bulkhead proceeded to grab hold of the trooper and threw him to the side before transforming back into his alt-mode and headed towards the teens. Bumblebee and Arcee, both in their alt-forms, soon pulled up alongside the kids. "I told you to stay put!" Arcee shouted angrily as Jack hopped on her while Robin, Miko and Raf climbed into Bumblebee, all of them soon taking off down the hall.

"I like pie." Fowler deliriously said as he poked his head out from Bumblebee's backseat. "Can we stop for pie?" "You found Fowler! Rock on!" Miko said in excitement, her hands doing the rock on symbol.


The Autobots soon found an exit and sped off quickly, driving as far away from the warship as possible.


Optimus and Ratchet methodically worked their way through the remaining Terrorcons before Optimus turned his attention to Megatron once they'd finished the small army off. "Brave, Optimus." Megatron congratulated. "Though this is but a prelude. You may wish to save your strength for the main event." Optimus glared at the warlord, deactivating his blades and proceeded to climb up the side of the canyon towards his rival. "You will not prevail, Megatron-not while energon still flows through my veins." Optimus said, breathing heavily. "Fitting," Megatron commented, kneeling down to be face-to-face with Optimus when he reached the top of the canyon. "For it is dark energon which flows through mine." Optimus tried to grab Megatron only for the Decepticon warlord to leap into the air, transformed into his alt-form, and flew off. Optimus quickly pulled himself onto the top of the canyon and opened fire on Megatron, unfortunately they all missed.

Optimus deactivated his balster upon realizing he wouldn't be getting Megatron today before he crouched down and helped Ratchet up onto the top of the canyon. "If this wasn't Megatron's endgame, what is?" Ratchet questioned as he and Optimus stared down at the defeated army of Terrocons. Optimus narrowed his eyes as he pondered what his long time enemy's plan could be.

Transformers meets the Iron Giant: a Transformers Prime and Iron Giant crossoverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें