A Past Come to Light

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Dozens of lifeless Scraplet lay busted and broken throughout the base, everyone currently gathered in the med bay. Bumblebee and Arcee lay on the med bay beds while Bulkhead, Ratchet and Optimus leaned against the 'living room' wall behind them. Jack, Miko and Raf busily walked to-and-from each bot, checking their vitals per Ratchet's orders. "Report bio-circuitry status." Ratchet instructed. "Levels are rising." Jack reported as he stared at a laptop screen. "Excellent." Ratchet said before turning to Raf and Miko. "Rafael, keep a close watch on Bumblebee's electro-pulse monitor. Miko, check Bulkhead's interface patch." "It's steady." Raf reports. "Looking good." Miko gave a thumbs up. "Perhaps you should get some rest yourself, old friend." Optimus suggested. "You saved quite a few lives today." "It...wasn't all my doing."
Ratchet admitted, turning to their human companions as they worked on their guardians. "We're just fortunate that this infestation happened...on a Saturday."

"Our human friends may be small, but they are strong. However..." Optimus turned his gaze to the side. Sitting in the corner of the room, his knees pulled towards his chest with the Prime's charge resting atop them, sat the Iron Giant and Robin. After their unexpected and surprising reunion, Robin had quickly ushered Giant off to the side and out of the way while Ratchet got to work. The pair had been sitting there ever since, Robin happily chatting away as the Giant stared down at her with clear and present affection. "It appears we Autobots are not the only ones with a past." Optimus, after receiving another once over from Ratchet, carefully stood and made his way over to the pair. "Robin." Said girl and Giant turned towards the Prime as he continued. "I believe it is time you explain how you know our savior."

Hearing the Prime's words, everyone's attention soon gathered on the old friends. "Yeah, Rob." Miko chastised. "You met a giant robot the size of a mountain before meeting the bots...and you didn't tell me?!" "Miko!" Jack reprimanded. "Not now." Robin nervously rubbed her arm, avoiding her guardian's gaze and the pressuring eyes of the others. "Uh, well-" "PRIME!" a familiar voice interrupted. Everyone turned to see Agent Fowler's car coming out of the tunnel entrance and to a stop, Fowler stepping out wearing his usual pissed off expression. "What, you bots forget how to use a telephone? I've been trying to contact your tin butts for hours! And what's with the giant hole in the door, looks like someone took a big bite out of it." "Agent Fowler, I apologize for our laps in communication, unfortunately we have been dealing with a recent infestation of...pests from our home planet that has resulted in a system wide malfunction." Optimus explained.

"Yeah, if it hadn't been for Robin and the big guy over here Optimus and Arcee would have been bot-cicles by now." Miko added, motioning to Robin and Giant. It was then that Fowler finally noticed the brand new and large bot sitting in the corner of the room. Fowler's eyes slowly widened as a look of recognition crossed his face the longer he stared. "Wha-When-When did he get back?" Fowler questioned. "Back?" Bumblebee asked. "You know this guy?" Arcee questioned. "Know him?" Fowler chuckled. "He's the reason us earthlings were prepared for yours and the Cons arrival." Fowler revealed to the bot's surprise. "Wait, hold on..." Fowler quickly turned his sharp gaze to Robin who flinched under his scrutinizing gaze. "No wonder I recognized you. Your Robin Hughes aren't you? You're this walking weapons' babysitter."

Robin's eyes narrowed upon hearing the insult. "Okay, first off, I'm his friend not his babysitter. Secondly, don't call him a weapon! If you've read the file about what happened, like I suspect you have given your reaction, then you'll know he only acted that way cause you guys threatened to hurt us!" "If you'd properly identified yourself when we first met we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now!" Fowler argued. "How was I supposed to know you where even aware of him? I'm not a mind reader!" Robin countered. The two continued to argue back and forth until Giant, growing tired of the argument, moved his finger in front of Robin to block her view of the special agent. "No fighting." Giant spoke up. Robin released a deep sigh, gently patting Giant's finger in assurance. "Sorry Giant. I know how you feel about fighting."

Transformers meets the Iron Giant: a Transformers Prime and Iron Giant crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now