Scrapheap (2)

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The once innocent looking creature, now revealed to be a Scraplet, charged towards the bots with its multiple rows of razor sharp teeth whirling menacingly. Bulkhead and Bumblebee fired at the Scraplet only for it to dodge and leap onto Bumblebee's leg. The Scraplet began eating its way up the scout's leg, Bumblebee falling to the ground with a cry of pain and fear as everyone watched in horror. The Scraplet ate up to Bumblebee's knee before the scout bravely grabbed the little terror in an attempt to crush it only to have it eat through his arm's armour. Freaking out, Bumblebee quickly batted the Scraplet off his arm and to the floor. The Scraplet quickly recovered and was just about to charge again when Raf brought a crowbar down on it. Raf continued to bring the crowbar down on the Scraplet until Jack stopped him. "Whoa, easy there, killer." Jack said, taking the weapon from Raf.

Miko placed comforting hands on Raf's shoulders to help calm him while Robin crouched down by the wrecked Scraplet for a closer look. After calming down Raf rushed over to the bots while Miko turned to Jack and Robin. "Whoa." she said in disbelief. "I did not see that coming." "I knew this thing was no good." Robin stated, poking the Scraplet remains before standing back up. "I'm sorry, Bumblebee." Raf apologized as he ran up to his guardian who was being checked over by Ratchet. "It's fine Raf, you didn't know." Bumblebee assured. "Is he gonna be okay?" Raf worriedly asked Ratchet. "Only a mesh wound. He'll live." Ratchet concluded. "Now do you believe me?" Bulkhead said to the kids. "All Scraplets do is dismantle machinery and eat anything metal - especially living metal." "Well, bug squashed, game over, right?" Jack said as he, Miko and Robin walked over.

"No." Ratchet said firmly. "When it comes to Scraplets there's never just one. And I fear I know how they got in here."


The bots and kids carefully wandered into the back of the base until they reached the room where they'd stored the Arctic pod. "It's a trap - a Scraplet trap." Ratchet said, confirming his earlier theory as he gazed into the busted open pod while Bumblebee hid behind him. "Uh, an empty Scraplet trap." Bulkhead added nervously. "Most likely ejected into space eons ago, only to wind up in the Arctic, where the temperature kept them in stasis." Ratchet explained. "Until we brought the thaw." Jack said, each of the kids now armed with either a wrench or a crowbar. "Now they're wide awake and ready to brunch." Miko concluded. " many are we talking about?" Raf questioned nervously. "Probably a lot more than we're thinking." Robin theorized. "Thousands." Ratchet confirmed. "And the power malfunctions and ground bridge damage are sure signs that their infestation is well underway."

"We need to contact Optimus and Arcee, maybe even bring them back here to help." Robin suggested. The bots shared a glance before Bumblebee spoke up. "Uh...about that..."


The cold wind whipped around furiously as Optimus and Arcee continued to scout the area. Optimus was currently climbing up the side of a large rocky mountain with a scanner when his Autobot symbol suddenly beeped, alerting him that his time in the cold was up. "Arcee, what's your status?" Optimus questioned into his comlink.


Arcee was scouting around the top of another mountain when she heard Optimus' call just as her own symbol beeped. "My sensors going off." Arcee reported back. "Guess we should call for pickup before things get chilly."


"Optimus to base." Optimus said into the coms. "Core temperature readings have reached the blue zone. Prepare to activate ground bridge." Unfortunately all he received was static.

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