Darkness Rising, Part 3 (1)

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Robin quietly sketched the rocky landscape in front of her sitting atop Optimus' hood. She shaded in a section of one of the sections before showing it to Optimus. "What do you think?" she asked. "Very well done. You have an incredible skill." Optimus complimented. "Thank you." Robin replied. "My stepdad, Dean, he's the one who got me interested in art. He's a scrap metal sculpture, but I prefer painting or sketching. It just gives you time to think and really enjoy the moment." "I understand." Optimus said. "You like art for the same reason I like going for drives around your planet, you take the time to observe things that most would pass without a second thought." "Exactly." Robin said, looking out at the peaceful scenery in front of them. "Maybe you could show me some of the places you stop on your drives some time." "I look forward to it." Optimus said, both falling back into comfortable silence.


Jack, sitting atop Arcee in her alt-form, waited quietly at a stop sign before Arcee spoke. "Tighten your grip, Jack." Jack looked down at his guardian in confusion before Arcee suddenly floored it down the road. "Whoa!" Jack chuckled as Arcee popped a wheelie. "H-Hey, what's with you, Arcee?" he asked. "Thought you might actually enjoy the ride if you weren't getting shot at." Arcee replied. "Oh, bring it!" Jack challenged, an excited smile breaking across his face.


Bulkhead sat patiently atop a large hill in his alt-form with Miko tucked securely inside his cabin. "Ready...set..." Miko began only for Bulkhead to cut in. "Miko, I'm supposed to be protecting you." "Bulkhead, I'm strapped tight inside 10 tons of metal muscle." Miko assured the Wrecker. "I'm protected." Bulkhead sighed in defeat before slowly inching forwards and over the side of the hill, rocking down the mountainside at top speed as Miko cried out in excitement. "WHOA-OH-OH-OH!"


Bumblebee sat parked in his alt-form just outside of Jasper, Raf sitting in his passenger seat as the two raced each other in a video game the scout had on his monitor. They were neck-in-neck until Bumblebee's red car bumped into Raf's yellow one which caused it to spin out and crash. "Aww!" Raf cried out in disappointment at his loss. "Victory!" Bumblebee said, spinning his wheel as he laughed. Raf shared in his guardian's laughter. "No fair, Bumblebee. You've been driving a lot longer than I have."

Autobot Base

Ratchet walked quietly around the base, glancing around him before breathing a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness for peace and quiet." he said aloud as he looked into a microscope. "House guests can be such a bother." Suddenly the sound of metal clattering to the ground was heard, Ratchet looking up at the noise. "What?" he muttered, looking around to see what had caused the noise only to find no one. Brushing off the mysterious noise Ratchet got back to work only for the sound of metal tapping along the floor to fill the silence. "Who's there?" Ratchet called out cautiously as he looked up again. The medic was about to begin searching for the noise only to gasp in shock upon spotting a small robotic creature with one glowing purple eye rushing at him. "By the Allspark!" Ratchet cried out in shock and surprise.

The tiny Terrorcon proceeded to leap into the air, it's tiny sharp claws outstretched to attack.

Transformers meets the Iron Giant Title Page
Darkness Rising, Part 3

The tiny Terrorcon leaped into the air, it's tiny sharp claws outstretched to attack as it released a mighty screech. "AHH!" Ratchet cried out in fear as he quickly dodged the Terrocons' pounce. The small Terrorcon landed on the sick bay's computer console before it turned and launched itself at the medic again. "AHH!" Ratchet cried out, picking up a tray to try and shield himself from the creature's attack. The Terrorcon landed on one of the higher walkways and released another screech before jumping down. Ratchet quickly tried to crush the little Terrorcon with a metal pipe only for the creature to continually jump out of the way before it hid itself amongst some computer monitors, slicing through Ratchet's microscope along the way.

Transformers meets the Iron Giant: a Transformers Prime and Iron Giant crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now