Darkness Rising, Part 2 (2)

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The Decepticons opened fire on the Autobots, one of the Vehicon troopers turning his drill around and sped towards the group. Bulkhead dodged the oncoming drill as he activated his wrecking ball and knocked the drill to the side while Optimus, Arcee and Bumblebee returned fire on the Decepticons. Bumblebee flipped out of the way of a shot before he and the others charged forward. Arcee broke off from the others and charged towards a small group of troopers, flipping out of the way of the oncoming blaster fire. She launched herself into the air, did a spin before delivering a midair kick to a trooper's chest. She leaped into the air again to dodge another oncoming blast, flipping in the air before landing on another trooper's shoulders.

Arcee proceeded to lock her feet around the trooper's head before twisting around and leaping off, the Decepticon's head snapping off. She landed back on the ground and continued her charge into battle.


Bumblebee launched himself into the air in his alt-mode where he transformed back into his robot form, opening fire on one of the Vehicon troopers before landing atop him and knocking the trooper to the ground. He looked up from his crouched position atop the defeated Decepticon only for his eyes to widen, quickly moving out of the way as another mining drill drove past him. The drill didn't get far however as Optimus caught it with his hand and lifted it up off it's front wheels. Optimus activated his blaster and fired at multiple troopers, shoving the drill to the side as he charged forwards. He dodged the barrage of blasts, shooting one of the Vehicon troopers that charged him before jumping out of the way of another. Seconds later Bulkhead in his alt-mode slammed into the unsuspecting Decepticon, knocking him into the air.

Bulkhead quickly transformed back into his robot mode, activating his wrecking ball, and brought it down harshly on the unsuspecting Decepticon, crushing him.

Autobot Base

"What is this anyway?" Miko asked, about to touch a piece of equipment attached to the wall. "Broken. Don't touch." Ratchet said, walking over to the computer consoles. Seeing his back to her, Miko once again tried to touch another part of the equipment only for Ratchet to speak up again. "Don't touch that either." he said, not turning around. "Is there anything we can touch?" Jack asked. "The ground. Even then, just." Robin joked to Raf making him laugh slightly. Ratchet briefly glanced at Jack and Miko over his shoulder before his attention was recaptured by the computer monitor beeping. He turned to the monitor only to stare in confusion as an error bar popped up. "How come you guys are using human computers?" Raf asked from where he and Robin stood in the 'living room'.

Ratchet briefly glanced at Raf and Robin as he answered. "It certainly isn't by choice. It was handed down from the previous tenants when we inherited this former missile silo. I make modifications as I see fit." Ratchet pressed a button on the keyboard to see if that would fix it but it only resulted in more error boxes popping up. He groaned in frustration. Raf and Robin, seeing the medic's struggles, offered him assistance. "I think we can fix that. Right, Rob?" Raf said, turning to his red headed friend. "Yeah, should be no problem." Robin agreed. "Really?" Ratchet exaggerated his disbelief, not at all believing the two teen's claims. "You know this is complex technology, don't you? I mean this isn't a child's toy." Raf and Robin paid Ratchet no mind as Raf pulled out his laptop and plugged it into a nearby computer console in the 'living room' and typed for a moment.

"Hmm. Looks like there's a connection error. Robin? Are you seeing this?" Raf asked as he looked at Robin who had opened up a panel on the side of the computer and crawled in, taking a look at the wiring. "Yeah, I see it. Looks like some of the wiring came loose. Now try it." Robin said, moving a few wires around. Raf typed on his computer again before turning and smiling at Ratchet. "Now try." Ratchet turned his gaze back to the monitors only to watch as the multiple error bars turned green in approval before disappearing. Ratchet turned and stared at Raf and Robin in silent disbelief.

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