Con Job (1)

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Autobot Base

    "All right. Chores are done." Miko announced happily from her spot on Bulkhead's shoulder. "Now can we do some dune-bashing?" she asked as they walked into the main room. "I don't know, Miko." Bulkhead reluctantly replied. "Last time, I spent a week picking sand out of my articulators. Uh, but, there's a monster truck rally in town." Before Miko could reply Ratchet's voice pierced the air. "Optimus...I'm receiving a signal on a restricted band. It appears to be coming from a starship inside this solar system." Ratchet pressed a few buttons as the signal's origins appeared on screen. "It's an Autobot identification beacon." the medic revealed. "So there are other bots out there?" Jack asked in amazement from the 'living room' platform. "The masses scattered to the galaxies when Cybertron finally went dark, but cons have been known to bait traps with false beacons." Arcee explained.

    "Unknown vessel," Optimus spoke into the com-link. "This is Autobot Outpost Omega One. Identify yourself." There was a brief moment of static over the coms before a gruff voice sounded over the communications system. .:I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat brigades.:. "Wheeljack?!" Bulkhead said in excited astonishment, his eyes widening upon recognizing the familiar voice. "You old con crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?" he questioned eagerly, quickly moving closer to the monitor making Miko hold on tight as to not fall. .:Bulkhead? That you?:. the voice, now identified as Wheeljack, said in surprise. .:What's with all the security?:. "The rock we're on is crawling with cons." Bulkhead explained. "How soon can you get here and even the odds?" .:Sometime tomorrow if I put metal to the pedal.:. Wheeljack replied.

    "Another bot's coming here? How cool is that!" Miko said eagerly, Bulkhead nodding his head in agreement. "We only just finished welcoming Giant. Things are certainly turning out interesting lately." Robin commented. "Wheeljack - I know of him by reputation only." Optimus spoke. "Can you verify his voiceprint?" "He is, 1,000% the real deal, Optimus." Bulkhead confirmed. Optimus nodded before turning back to the monitor. "We will send landing coordinates, Wheeljack. Safe journey." Optimus relayed. "See you soon, buddy." Bulkhead said eagerly. "I'll make sure you get a proper welcome." The com-link shut off as Arcee walked over to Bulkhead. "So, who's the boyfriend?" she teased. Bulkhead chuckled as he replied. "Me and Jackie go way back. We were part of the same war unit, the Wreckers, which means the cons are gonna wish he never found us."

Nemesis Bridge

    "Wheeljack?! What are you doing all the way out here?" Soundwave played the intercepted conversation for Starscream. "Bulkhead? That you? What's with all the security?" As Soundwave played the conversation his visor lit up and began scrolling through several images of Autobots before finding the correct one. "The rock we're on is crawling with cons." "A war hero, hmm?" Starscream pondered, reading the available information as it appeared on the silent cons' visor. "We haven't' much time. Makeshift!" Starscream and Soundwave turned towards the back of the room, a Decepticon cloaked in shadow with spikes decorating his shoulders and arms walking towards them. Soundwave unleashed one of his mechanical tentacles which hooked itself to Makeshift's chest. Once attached, Makeshift's form began to shift and change until he was a carbon copy of the Wrecker.

    "See you soon, buddy. I'll make sure you get a proper welcome." the recording continued. "I, too, know how to prepare a proper welcome." Starscream said with a cruel smile.

Transformers meets the Iron Giant

Con Job

Autobot Base

    "Wheeljack's ship is approaching the landing zone." Arcee reported, Miko eagerly gasping in excitement as she watched the monitor tracking the new bot's arrival. "You think he's here to visit?" Raf asked. "Maybe he'll stay!" Miko pondered eagerly. "Hmm. Have to find his own human though." "I don't think Ratchet is gonna like that idea." Robin commented. Beeping drew everyone's attention over to Ratchet who was working on the ground bridge controls. "Ground bridge cycling up." Ratchet reported, the system's controls whirling before a spark of electricity erupted from it much to Ratchet's shock. He glared at the controls before slamming his fist down on them, the glitch in the ground bridge monitor soon clearing. "Blasted scraplets!" Ratchet grumbled. "Equipment hasn't been the same since the infestation."

Transformers meets the Iron Giant: a Transformers Prime and Iron Giant crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now