Darkness Rising, Part 1 (3)

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After rounding a corner, the Vehicon trooper following close behind them, Robin, Jack and Raf ran towards a large pipe up ahead. The trio quickly climbed up into the pipe and continued to run in fear. The trooper crouched down to see into the pipe, his body too big to fit, and reached inside with his clawed hand. Just as he was about to grab the trio the trooper was yanked away from the pipe and out of view. A large crashing sound was heard causing Robin, Jack and Raf to pause and turn around only to see Bumblebee crouching down in front of the pipe and staring at them.

"Don't worry, you guys are safe. But I'd get out of here if I were you." Bumblebee said. "Thank you." Raf said. "Yeah, thanks big guy." Robin added with a smile. Bumblebee's eyes softened. "No problem guys." And with that Bumblebee got up and disappeared from view. Robin and Raf continued to stare at the front of the pipe where the scout once was in awe before Jack grabbed Raf's shoulder and Robin's hand and dragged them forwards, breaking him out of his stupefied states.

"Don't look back." Jack said firmly as he continued to drag Robin and Raf down the pipe. "What did we just see?" Raf asked the two older teens. "No idea, and I'm not sure I want to find out." Jack said. The trio soon reached the end of the pipe and climbed out. "Alright, I think we should all just head home and not talk about this to anyone." Robin said to the boys. "We'll talk about what we should do with what we saw tomorrow."

"Alright." the boys agreed before they headed off towards their homes. Robin, however, lingered. Once the boys were out of sight Robin slowly climbed back into the pipe and headed back towards the fight. Lots of thoughts ran through Robin's head. Who were these robots? Were they like the Iron Giant? Did they know the Iron Giant? All these thoughts drove Robin forward as she ran down the pipe.


Bumblebee punched one of the twin troopers in the face only for the other twin to sneak up behind him and deliver a punch to his back, dazing the scout enough for the trooper he'd punched to recover and knee him in the face. Bumblebee flew backwards from the force of the blow and skidded to halt on the ground. Arcee, who had been making her way over to the battle, rushed to the scout's side to see if he was alright.

The twin troopers slowly stocked their way towards the two Autobots who, after Arcee helped Bumblebee up, steeled themselves and got into battle ready positions. Suddenly a horn honking filled the air. Arcee and Bumblebee looked behind them only to find Bulkhead in his vehicle form driving towards them before he transformed into his robot form and fell in line behind them. "Who's ready to rumble?!" Bulkhead challenged, slamming his fists together as he joined his comrades in getting into battle ready positions.

The twin Decepticons, seeing that they were outnumbered, quickly transformed back into their vehicle forms and sped off down the road. The Autobots watched the Decepticons drive away and once they left their sight they relaxed, Bumblebee sighing in relief. "What took you so long?" Arcee asked Bulkhead who shrugged. "Traffic." he said.


Unknown to the three bots however, Robin was watching them from behind a corner. She slowly and quietly raised the camera she pulled from her bag and took some photos, some of the Autobots in their robot forms and the others of them in their vehicle forms as they drove away. Once the Autobots were out of sight Robin stepped out of her hiding place and stared at the vanishing bots in silence.

Later That Night

Autobot Base

After they'd finished their battle, Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee returned to their secret base where Arcee and Bumblebee were currently explaining what had happened to Optimus. "And the cons would have been scrap metal if I hadn't been distracted by the human." Arcee finished explaining, Bumblebee standing next to her. Optimus, who was staring at the computer monitor in front of him, looked up upon hearing the word human.

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