Darkness Rising, Part 2 (3)

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"RATCHET, BRIDGE US BACK!" Optimus ordered into the comlink as he, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee sped through the dark tunnel of the mine they'd arrived in, the large blue colored explosion following close behind them. "USE THE ARRIVAL COORDINATES...NOW!" The Autobots' ground bridge suddenly appeared and opened up in front of the team, the Autobots quickly driving through.

Autobot Base

The sound of an explosion drew Ratchet's and the teen's attention towards the just opening ground bridge and watched as Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Optimus drove through and into the base. Ratchet quickly closed down the ground bridge just as Optimus emerged from the portal and transformed back into his robot form and skidded to a halt in the center of the base, his shoulders clicking into place. "Wow!/Whoa!" Robin, Jack, Miko and Raf said in amazement. "Cutting it a bit close." Ratchet commented before quietly asking. "What about Cliffjumper?" Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Optimus' heads lowered in sadness as Arcee hugged herself. Seeing the sadness in their eyes Robin lowered her head in respect, her hand subconsciously lowering to the Iron Giant's screw in her bag.

Miko, not sensing the somber mood, quickly began to bumbarred the bots with questions. "What was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can I come with next time?!" Arcee growled lowly. "Look." she began firmly only for Robin to grab Miko's shoulders and lead her away as Jack spoke up. "H-Hey Miko, let's go see what the bots hide in their sock drawers." "Seriously?" Miko said in a blank disbelieving tone. "Arcee, what did you see?" Optimus asked quietly, concern in his voice for the condition of his second-in-command. Arcee hugged herself as she quietly began to give her report. "Not Cliff, at least, not anymore. He was mutated, butchered, like something from those con experiments during the war!" she said, her voice trembling before she suddenly collapsed against a crate much to the concern of the others.

"Arcee!" Bumblebee said in concern, stepping closer to try and help her. "I'm fine, just dizzy." Arcee assured Bumblebee before she sat down on the crate. "Robots who get dizzy?" Miko quietly questioned. "Robots with emotions." Raf said quietly. "Robots...who can die." Jack quietly said. "It doesn't matter if you're a human or a highly advanced alien robot, we all have a soul inside us that makes us who we are." Robin said as she and the others watched Ratchet scan Arcee to see what was wrong with her. "Hmm." Ratchet hummed in confusion, his scanner glowing red as it scanned over a certain section of Arcee. "What is this?" Ratchet stared in concern and confusion at the small smoking purple goo on Arcee's hand. "Don't know." Arcee said. "Cliff was covered in it, leaking it." Arcee gripped her head as another wave of dizziness washed over her.

Ratchet grabbed a scalpel and scraped off a bit of goo and brought it closer to examine. "Go take a decontamination bath, now." Ratchet orders. Bumblebee walks over to Arcee and gently helps her to her feet as they walk slowly to the sick bay. Optimus watched Arcee in concern as Ratchet walked off to examine the mysterious substance. "O-Optimus, I-I hate to bug but, no bars." Jack spoke up, holding up his phone to show that he was getting a signal. "A security precaution." Optimus explained as he turned to the teens. "The silo walls isolate all radio waves." "Well, if I don't call my mom, like, now, I'm pretty sure the cops will be out looking for me." Jack explained. "Have you broken a law?" Optimus questioned, not understanding what Jack meant. "Uh, curfew." Jack said. "It's after 10 pm."

"I better get home, too, or I'll be grounded for a year." Raf contributed. "Earth customs, I hadn't considered." Optimus pondered. "But the issue of your safety remains. Bulkhead, accompany Miko home." "AWESOME!" Miko cried out in excitement. "My host parents will freak!" "And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form." Optimus added. "Curbside duty. Got it." Bulkhead said with a nod. "Aw!" Miko groaned in disappointment. "Bumblebee, you'll watch over Raf." Optimus said. Bumblebee turned to Raf who smiled at him, Bumblebee returning it. "Ratchet?" Optimus asked, turning to the medic. "Busy." Ratchet replied, not looking up from his work. "Arcee, you'll watch over Jack." Optimus said to the female Autobot as she exited sick bay. Jack scratched the back of his head nervously while Arcee sighed dramatically. "Still dizzy." she said in an attempt to get out of the job.

Transformers meets the Iron Giant: a Transformers Prime and Iron Giant crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن