Darkness Rising, Part 1 (1)

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Birds chirped and flew overhead, the sky a beautiful deep red-orange as a cherry red 1970 Dodge Challenger with decorative bull horns on its hood drove along an empty dirt road surrounded by trees. "So, there I was on lookout when out of nowhere these high beams light up my rearview. And then it hits me. I'm illegally parked!" the male voice of the Challenger's driver spoke into his comlink as he drove.


A blue colored Kawasaki Ninja 250 R motorcycle with pink highlights zoomed along a paved road surrounded by a desert with multiple large rock formations all around. The driver was easy to identify as a woman since she wore a full body, tight fitted black jumpsuit along with a matching helmet that completely covered her face. "Another parking ticket?" the motorcyclist said in amused exasperation. .:Better. The boot!:. the driver of the Challenger replies in excitement. "Big metal tire clamp, impossible to remove." the motorcyclist said, sensing where this story was going.


"Bingo!" the man said in excitement. "So the local police do their thing and I let them get all the way down the block. That's when I kick off my shiny new shoe and BANG!" .:New York's finest soil themselves.:. the motorcyclist said in amusement. "You know me, Arcee. Mess with Cliffjumper-." .:And you get the horns.:. Arcee the motorcyclist finished his sentence with an eye roll, having heard him say this multiple times. Cliffjumper chuckles at his partner's response.


"Not sure how that complies with Autobot rule number one: keep a low profile?" Arcee commented.


"What can I say?" Cliffjumper said with a sigh. "Patrolling for energon out here in Dullsville gets lonesome."


.:Almost makes me miss the Decepticons.:. "Like Jasper, Nevada's a party." Arcee jokes before her voice saddens.


.:We're alone wherever we travel on this rock, Cliff.:. Cliffjumper's dashboard suddenly lit up and beeped as a blip appeared on his tracker. "I'm getting a signal." Cliffjumper reported. .:Need backup?:. Arcee quickly offered. "Do I ever need backup?" Cliffjumper said in amusement before he made a sudden sharp turn to the left, tires screeching as he sped down a dirt road. He soon came to a halt at the edge of a large and deep crater. Down at the bottom of the crater were multiple large blue crystals sticking out of the ground.

"I just found a whole lot of energon!" Cliffjumper happily reported. Suddenly, a large shadow slowly crept over the area. In response to the possible threat the Challenger surprisingly began to transform into a medium sized red colored robot with bright blue eyes and bull horns on the side of his head.

If it wasn't already apparent the Dodge Challenger wasn't a regular car but in reality a robotic alien from another world by the name of Cliffjumper, a member of a peacekeeping and world defending group called the Autobots. "Decepticons!" Cliffjumper said, turning around as he gazed up at the large dark warship that loomed over the area. The warship's cannons, quickly spotting Cliffjumper down below, locked onto him and opened fire.

The cannon fire hit the ground in front of the bot causing it to explode, Cliffjumper sent flying off his feet and into the crater as a result. Cliffjumper landed amongst the energon crystals with a grunt of pain before he slowly turned over as he sat up. As he stood up a large docking panel opened up on the bottom of the warship, multiple identical looking robots falling out and landing along the edge of the crater.

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