I've Never Told Anyone (Edited)

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"I hate you too," He smiled.

I looked behind me, so I was facing my house.

"That's what he gets," I snarled.

"Yeah, but you do have to forgive him sooner or later."

"I think not."

"I know you will."

"And how do you know this?"

"It's a fact. Kids always forgive their parents."

"How many times have we been over my uniqueness to other teenagers?"

"Enough to know that you're just like them."

He had smiled that same beautiful smile again and was looking at me. I smiled back, trying not to make eye contact for fear I would subdue to his hypnotic charm.

"I wouldn't mind calling this date one," he said.

I laughed at the idea. My dad just chose his cheating new wife over me, I was pushed down the stairs by her, I was overly mean to a little boy who just wanted to know what was going on, had dry tears on my face, my leg was throbbing in pain, and my dad was most likely going to get a divorce, I really doubt that you go on a date, in the middle of that.

"Are you crazy?" I said, "Did Scarlett really tell you what all she heard? Because, if she did you would understand too."

"She did, and I do, I just think you look pretty when you cry."

"You always ruin the mood."


"You always flirt a little then BAM Will you marry me?"

"I thought you were annoyed by my flirting."


"I. . ."

I deeply sighed; I was going to have to let my baggage of my chest.

"Can you keep a secret?"

I was about to expose my biggest weak spot. The reason I wouldn't date anyone. I hoped he would be the type of guy that would understand.


He had become serious.

I deeply exhaled. It was a lot harder than I thought to tell him. I just really liked him, despite the fact he met me not too long ago, and something in my gut said he was okay. Plus, I knew that if I didn't tell him right at this moment, when my emotions were open, and fluctuating, I would never find another time.

"I've Never Told Anyone. Besides Scarlett and I didn't even tell her the full details."


"I have dated someone before, he was just like you."

He looked slightly surprised.

"Someone broke through that strong London Barrier."

"Andrew Dallas did."

He looked genuinely stunned.

"You slept with Drew?"

"No, no, I dated him, sort of."

"Why sort of?"

He brought back the deepest baggage in my heart from his question. Andrew Dallas, football captain, Senior, hottest guy in history, funny, kind, sweet, ex-boyfriend, the reason I cried for three weeks. When I was a freshman at the school, and he was a junior he had already established himself as the King Of High School, and that made my heart race. He was always surrounded by people, always the center of attention, always the main guy of everything. I was a true sucker for the boys in the band, obviously like how he was.

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