The Table (Edited)

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"London have you seen my briefcase?" Dad said as I finished brushing my hair.

"No," I called back, crossing his path as we both walked on the stairs. I was walking downstairs ready to leave, and he was walking up frantically looking for his briefcase.

"London this is the Davidson case!" He yelled as if I would magically know where it was because of its importance.

Joey Davidson was my Dad's most important client. He allegedly killed two girls just down the street from Scarlett's house, but there was never any strong evidence to convict him, forcing mistrials, the case being denied, lots of arguing, making the bill for it rise up a LOT. To the point even if he lost and went to jail, my dad would still make at least a quarter of a million. Before that we had already been prepared to lose because the guy looked like he would kill someone in broad daylight, though he killed the girls at night.

"Try looking in the kitchen," I suggested, still trying to leave.

"Why would it be in there?" He said while looking frustrated, and walking the other way. Of course, even though I had taken a huge guess, shortly after he walked out briefcase and all, "I knew it," I said triumphantly though I didn't originally have a clue, "You are a life saver!" Dad said hugging me and kissing my forehead. It had literally been over a year ago when he had kissed my forehead, he used to do so none stop, "Ehh come on," I said squirming around.

"Okay, love you," he smiled as he let my go.

He walked out of the house before me, and drove off as Ted walked up to the house.

"Hello," he said.

"Good morning," I said.

He wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and pulled me close to him, "How's it going?" He smiled.

"Good," I said, slightly annoyed by his touching. I was in a weird mood that caused me to squirm at the littlest touch.

"Come on," he said pushing me to walk faster.

We had arrived, and for what seems like a normal thing couples do, after we entered we went separate ways. He to his crowd of fans at the cool table, and me to my single friend putting on makeup at our table. I sat down and was preparing to eat my cereal, and then Scarlett nudged me.

"What?" I said looking up from my bowl.

"I'm pretty sure the quote on quote popular kids want you," she said pointing Ted's direction.

He was motioning to come over to the table with him. I shook my head no.

"Come on, what's the point in dating him, if you don't spend time with him?" She said, "I'll be okay."

She was texting on her phone almost every three seconds, she had been distracted the whole morning, she was barely even talking. All things that were not normal for the Scarlett Lewis I knew. It seemed she wanted me to go to the table anyway, so I eventually did, "Okay see you," I said.

"Uh huh," she said still looking at the phone not even remotely knowing I had said.

I was nervous, not because they just meant so much to me, or even the fact that they were judgmental pricks mostly, it was because Andrew. After him and Clarissa broke it off, the group divided into two. All the people who preferred Clarissa sat at the new popular table at the other side of the lunchroom.

Sadly it was the old nerd table, meaning it was forcefully taken away. When I sat had walked over Ted stood up and grabbed me softly, "You guys now London?" He asked as a rhetorical question since I had met all of them, "Hey," they each said at different times. I sat down next to Ted, who happened to be next to Andrew. So I sat in an odd sandwich between them, "See, they don't bite," Ted smiled embarrassing me.

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