Cheater Cheat Her (Edited)

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"This is not real," I gasped.

"It is," Scarlett smiled.

Scarlett never liked Mandy. I think it was for the same reasons I felt threatened by her, but she insisted it was because she was a gold digger. I always told her Mandy married my dad before we got rich, but she never listened.

"Looks like Miss Goldie Locks has found her some richer porridge," Scarlett said as I was still in awe, "not as hot,"

I continued to think about the conspiracy ignoring the fact that Scarlett mentioned the hotness of my dad.

"Why would she do this?" I said.

Mandy, while being half my dad's age, had been married to him for 3 years. She never wanted a younger guy before, and my dad wasn't even that old.

"She could just be hugging her friend, or her brother," I said trying to reason with the situation.

"I don't think so. . ." Scarlett said smiling at something out the window.

"What?" I yelled yanking the binoculars.

"Oh, that's not her brother," I sighed.

Their tongues were miles deep into each other's throats. I watched the hardcore lip action for a few more seconds to make sure they weren't just one of those, overly close families, but it became obvious that if they were related, they would have sister-daughters. It became clear to another person as well, Ted.

He and his friends were just walking out of the diner as they were beginning to split up. . . beginning.

Though we were a little far from them, I could see his expression. What in the not world, but universe was going on.

"Mrs. Sparks?" He appeared to mouth.

She played her role well, she pretended not to hear, or know him.

He repeated himself.

"This is just too savory," Scarlett said.

She pulled out her phone and snapped pictures.

"Let's see if Goldie, can recognize Ted in a photo," she fiendishly smirked.

"What are you doing?" I said, cutting away from the awkward situation outside.

"Well, you aren't going to just let Ms. Cheater, Cheat Her way out of justice are you?"

"No, but. . ."

Like I was far too often, I became speechless, not knowing what to say, another bad habit of mine.


She continued to snap like a paparazzi, then placed the phone in her pocket. Then we both looked outside to see what had happened with the Ted spotting a cheater problem.

Ted's friends had pulled him away, and they were already driving off before we could get a glimpse of which way they went. Mandy and her "friend" as she stated earlier, had both got into her car. I personally thought it was weird for a guy to be a passenger in a pink car, but he seemed to not mind. It only made me begin to boil up.

She cheated on my dad, made my friend look stupid, and then used the car that my dad brought to drive her Mister around. At first I felt bad for her, but after I thought over everything, she didn't deserve the respect a dog got.

"I'm telling my dad," I said.

"That's the spirit," Scarlett said.

It scared me how excited she was, but I made a devious smile as well.

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