No Way (Edited)

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I tried to fight my own thoughts. You hate him. I said to myself over and over. There was no use. I thought back to those dark days. Mostly to a particular memory, when me a Andrew dated. I called him my Dallas Cowboy, because his favorite team was the Patriots, so it burned him up, and his last name was Dallas. Cheesy if you think about it, but I loved it, and I think he did too. No Way. I had to stop myself, I nearly ran to my next class, escaping my thoughts.

Algebra II, my best yet least favorite subject. That should definitely take my mind off it. Folding my arms over my books and holding them against my chest, (because when I'm upset I always do so) I sped into the room and plopped into my seat. I pulled out my sheet of paper, and began the problem of the day. All of the students in the class besides me and a guy named Fred were juniors, so the intimidation helped occupy my mind.

"The stripper's here," a deep voice chuckled, obviously a junior considering Fred had the voice of a 5th grader.

"Ha ha Marvin," I sarcastically said. He was the only one that really ever picked on me, probably because he was failing while I had the second highest grade in the class. Only being a sophomore. Not all but some of the older students in the right grade get a annoyed when the younger students are doing better than them. I wasn't the only one, just the easiest one. Fred had been treated just the same, only his brothers were seniors and juniors, and even a couple freshman and sophomores. I on the other hand just had friends that were in higher grades, and I doubted they would fight to protect me.

"No talking," Mrs. Merryweather said.

Today was one of the first times she had ever said anything about taking. Merryweather was a really nice, young teacher, and unlike most of the school's staff, she was black.

"Okay, times up," she said nearly seconds after I put my pencil down. I had got finished just in time.

"Marvincent, would you like to give us an answer?" she said calling Marvin by his full name.

"Umm," he said not knowing what to say, for not doing the problem, "27 squared?"

The class laughed, I included.

"Marvin, do you see a 27 squared as an answer choice?" Mrs. Merryweather said laughing.

And there was not. Only 30/2, 7 to the 12th power, and pi. The answer was pi.

"It's pi, Marv,"she said smiling. That was the Merryweather I knew.

"Okay you all, turn to page 375 and do the practice," she said.

I quickly got out my book, and began to do the 350 problems she had just assigned. Most likely it would result in homework.

As the bell rang half an hour later, it was proved correct, I still had 100 left. Folding into the halls with everyone else, I was caught by the arm by Ted, only to warn me of a pop quiz in Mr. Schwartz.

I avoided a real conversation by just thanking him before walking completely away. Okay, two things to keep away from him. Into the class I went instantly flashing my eyes at the clock. If there was a pop quiz, Schwartz would usually wait until five minutes after class started. At my seat in the back, only next to two people, who were both absent, I pulled out my book and quickly schemed the pages, as the rest of the students filed in.

After the pop quiz class was pretty much over. We had spent all 45 minutes in class trying to guess the answers. Most of the stuff on there, he admitted were things we learned at the beginning of the school year, and we were almost smack-dab in the end.  It was time for fourth period, another class that was a grade higher. Unfortunately that meant Andrew would be in there,sitting, waiting for me. Using my emotions that were just not so long ago fought off, and were just so close to moving on, using them to set me back, for his own personal gain.

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