Chapter 3: The decider and classes.

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After a long and boring walk back to the school, all of the first years were called to the main hall. The hall was crowded to the brim with people standing and sitting. Weiss and I looked around for a couple minutes looking for a few chairs. After about 6 minutes we found some. We sat down in our seats and waited for this meeting to be over. 

"As you all know, that challenge we just sent you on was a decider for all of your new classes." The headmaster, professor Ozpin, said with a chuckle. I did notice that he always had a mug of coffee with him...weird.

"Now the first to be picked is...Team RWBY." As he said, we all stood up and made our way toward the stage. I think I was the only who was nervous.

"Upon the classes being decided, We are also picking the team leaders. The leader of team RWBY is.....Ruby Rose!" He said. The hall filled with applause and couple cheers. My team gave a hearty thumbs up and smiles. Ozpin cleared his throat, shutting up every student in the hall. He smirked and took a sip of his coffee. 

"Now, here are the letters with your classes in, not to be opened until you reach your dorms." He said as we were ushered of the stage and back to our seats. An hour later, we were all sent back to our dorms.

"That was really boring and cool at the same time!" I said to myself as I lay on my bed. Everyone gave a sigh and lay on theirs too. A hour or two later the bell rang and we all headed to the classes given to us. I walked into heavy weapon training. 

"Hello Miss rose, I suppose you're hear for training?" The female teacher said with a smirk. I decided to show off a little and pulled out crescent rose. It hit the ground, leaving a small crack.

"Hell yeah I ready for this!" I shouted enthusiasm.

"Good! Now first cause of business is to test your fighting skill. Ruby And Cardin to the middle of the fighting area." She said. A boy near enough two times the size of me walked his way to the other side of area. He held out a mace, the size of his arm and faced it toward me. I pulled out my crescent rose and held it in sniper form.

"3...2...1 Fight!" She shouted. With the boys brute force he lunged toward me, preparing his mace for a swing. Just as his mace was about to touch me, I used my semblance and disappeared in a flurry of rose petals. Shocked covered his face when I appeared behind him. I shot him with a rifle bullet, knocking him back. With a smirk, I switched to scythe form. Beckoning him, he sprinted toward me about to swing. 'So easy to guess his combat pattern.' My body moved away from the weapon path, like the wind, I moved to his side and swiped him, sending him to the ground. I placed my weapon to his throat and moved close to his face.

"They don't call me the reaper for nothing" It was true. Throughout her time at signal, she was known as The reaper because of her weapon and fighting style.

"Very  good! Well done Ruby. I will let you go now since the rest of the lesson will be about the others." She smiled. I took my chance and bolted out the door, toward the dorm. When I reached inside, no one was there. I gave out a heavy sigh and fell face first into the bed covers.

"This is going to be long week" I said to myself.

A/N Hey Guys, just wanted to give this out since near enough all my views are on this story! Sorry if its a little short. I also noticed something, that I started this story in 3rd person and switched to 1st! Sorry for anyone who was confused! 


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