Chapter 17: Cold as Ice, Soft as snow ~Weiss

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Ruby's injuries had slowly started to clear up from the past actions laid upon her. She was now allowed to leave the hospital and walk with me, Yang or Blake only. She did really seem to have much of a problem with that.

"Weissy?" She mumbled into my shirt.

"Yes, Ruby?" I replied, stroking across her forehead and bangs.

"Thank you for all you have done...all of it.." She whispered into my neck. It warmed my heart to have her trust me and believe in me as much as she did.

"You kept me going, Ruby, you always have.." I sighed into her hair. She made a small, adorable, noise and dug deeper into my shoulder, most likely to hide her blush.

"I love you...I always will..." I smiled. The red head slowly raised her head to look at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm still sorry for making you come back to the hospital that time...I swear I saw her face!" She said in a Childish way.

"I've told you many times before, don't be sorry. As for Penny...honestly, I idea?" I concluded. I knew that it wouldn't help Ruby's worries but I hated lying to her.

"I'm kind of happy she's gone.." Ruby said with slight confidence.

"If anything happens or she comes back, I will always be here." I smiled, hugging her into my chest. She accepted the hug and snuggled herself into my torso. Gentle silence engulfed the room, not a thing being said. The only sound heard was our low breathing. Her chest was starting to rise in a slow pattern. A quiet snoring started to radiate from Ruby as she slept in my arms. A small chuckle came from me as Ruby clutched my shirt. My eyes started to droop as I pulled my cover over us and snuggled Ruby closer to me. 

~A couple of hours later~

I was awoken by the sound of gentle vibrates and a small tune. I opened my eyes and reached toward my scroll. Without even looking who it was on the Callers ID, I answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked, still a little groggy.

"Hello, Weiss. I take it you're doing okay at beacon?" The voice. I knew who it was now, my father.

"Um..Yeah, I'm doing okay? Why are you calling me?"

"I called to ask how you were and to tell you to start packing." I slowly sat up, keeping Ruby against me.


"You're joining a new school."

A/N Not the biggest chapter I have ever done but, here you go! I love leaving cliff hangers!


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