Chapter 41

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          Her scream rang down the hall. A shriek came from the other end of the hall. Patrick slapped a hand over her mouth listening intently. The shriek turned into many shrieks and groans. No doubt the species were communicating. Patrick dragged Chloe down the hall kicking the double doors as he hurried down the second hallway.
              The shrieks and groans grew louder and closer. Adrenaline kicked in and Patrick felt himself shake as he mentally panicked. What should he do? What could he do? Where could he go?
            He heard smashing and loud noises behind him. Looking left and right he saw an open door and dodged into it. He quickly let go of Chloe and pushed the door shut. His shaky hands fumbled as he tried to bolt the doors many locks.
              Chloe fell to the floor, landing on her side. Tyson still in her arms. Tyson wasn't phased by the whole commotion around him. Instead his eyes glimmered as he smiled at the purple baby still attached to Chloe's leg. The purple baby smiled back at him.
             "Get it off! Get it off! GET IT OFF!!" Chloe freaked.
"Just breathe!" Patrick instructed trying not to sound annoyed, but failing. He was busy trying to save their lives and she was going to have to wait a minute.
Chloe saw the way the babies were smiling at each other and it creeped her out. She pulled Tyson closer to her chest and gave him a squeeze.
The babies cooed at each other and giggled as if they had some sort of secret language.
              Chloe's heart swelled. As creepy as the baby was, it was cute.
"Aw! Maybe he's not so bad."
The purple baby began to lick some of the blood off himself.
"Ew." Chloe whispered.
The baby's eyes turned red as if he had suddenly turned into a robot. The baby moved weirdly as if he were possessed and unable to control himself when he bit Chloe.
Another scream ripped through her.
The species on the other side of the door shrieked in unison with her.
              Patrick peeled himself from the door and grabbed the purple baby off her. In the process the baby bit off a chunk of her flesh leaving a gash in her leg aligned with tiny baby teeth marks.
         Holding the baby as far away from himself as possible he began to search the dark room. He found a huge white sheet that was covering up a table and pulled it off. He set the baby down and ripped off a part of the sheet quickly. The baby began crawling back to Chloe. Patrick grabbed the baby before he could reach her and wrapped his mouth and nose multiple times before tying it snuggly.
            Unable to smell the blood, the baby's eyes turned back to its normal black. Patrick places him back on the floor and he crawled away all happy.
        "What the fuck?!" Chloe asked. She tried to stand up, but couldn't handle the pain throbbing from her leg. Tyson clapped and giggled. He tried to crawl after the other baby but Chloe grabbed him.
"No." She ordered her baby to stay put.
        "He'll be fine." Patrick told her ripping more of the sheet.
"No. No, he will not. Did you see what that baby did to me?" Her voice got higher causing the species on the other side of the door to shriek once again.
"Yes. I did. I also muzzled him. He's fine."
"Don't argue about the well being of my baby."
"Our baby." He corrected her. "I've protected him and taken care of him just as much as you have. I'm claiming him as partially mine. Don't you think I would put that thing to death if I truly thought it would be a danger to him?"
           Chloe grumbled but didn't argue any further.
"Now hold still." Patrick instructed as he began to wrap her leg. She watched as the babies giggled together. They were infatuated with one another.

         "What is that? Should I be worried I'm going to die or turn into something?"
"No. Your going to be fine. To be exact that is Specie 1587."
"Specie 1587? What does that mean?"
"Every specie is given a number. Some of them are given names whether by the guys, Drew, or their mother. His mother did not name him."
"Why didn't she name him?"
Patrick swallowed. "She died."
           Chloe looked back at the baby who's black eyes seemed to be smiling at her baby. He looked so sweet. How could he have killed his own mother? Than again he'd just took a chunk out of her leg.
"He killed his mother." It wasn't a question but Patrick answered anyway.
"No. She killed him, and then was put to death for killing him."
           Kylie. Chloe remembered that night. She'd gone to the bathroom and saw the dead baby in the sink. She'd witnessed Kylie's execution through the cracked door.
            "But he was dead. He was dead. Patrick, I saw him in the sink." She didn't mean to get worked up, but her voice was raising.
"I know. Drew saw it as an opportunity."
Chloe looked back at the babies and her heart broke.
"Kyle." She called out to them. Both babies froze and looked at her.
Chloe pointed at the purple baby. "You are Kyle."
Kyle looked back at Tyson.
"Kyle." Chloe tried again and the purple baby turned his head responding. Chloe smiled. She looked back at Patrick who was watching her with a look in his eyes. She couldn't tell exactly what the look was, but she liked it.
"He's Kyle." She informed him.
"Kyle." He nodded agreeing.
        "Okay," she jumped up. "As sweet as this little moment is we need to keep moving." She started looking round limping as she moved. The species began to bang on the door again.
"Is there another way out of here?"
"Umm . . ." He scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I don't exactly know. I didn't spend a lot of time in this room."
"Where are we?" She asked. Turning on another light.
"We're in the morgue."
              There were bodies everywhere.
She felt so nauseous. "Oh God!"
The babies giggled once again.
"These kids are gonna be so messed up after this." She said.
"Oh yeah, THAT'S what's gonna mess them up." Patrick added sarcastically.
She gave him a glare. "Start looking around."

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