Chapter 8

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              Chloe was taken to a "common area". The room looked like a hotel lobby. Big cushioned chairs were everywhere. There were a few tables with decks of cards, board games, and puzzles on them. There was one big tv mounted on one wall. It was the most comfortable looking room she'd been in thus far, but it still seemed so formal. There again were no windows.

What is he? A freaking vampire? We need some windows, Professor.

She looked about the room. The Girls didn't stare at her this time. Instead they just chatted and worked on whatever they had about them. Some of the women were knitting blankets. A few women who for sure had to be in the third trimester were putting their feet up and complaining to each other about how uncomfortable they were. She spotted Naomi, Monica, Sophie, and Tiffany gathered around a table playing cards.

They may not want me to sit with them after my earlier freakout

She looked about at her other options. Some of the women scared her if she was being honest. A scorned woman is a woman to be feared. Gathering some courage she made her way to the table where Naomi and the others were sitting.

"Can I join you?" she asked hesitantly. 

"Of course," Naomi answered as soon as she looked at Chloe. Before Chloe could think her, Naomi grabbed a chair nearby and pulled it up to the table.

"Thank You,"Chloe sat and noticed Monica, Sophie, and Tiffany staring. "I'm sorry about earlier."

               "Don't apologize. Trust me when I say we understand." Naomi said so casually while looking through her hand of cards. "Do you want to play?" she offered.

"No, thank you. I'll just watch." The girls turned back to their game of poker. Chloe didn't know poker and therefore didn't actually know what was going on, but apparently Naomi was kicking butt. She waited a few rounds.

"Do you mind if I ask you guys some questions?" she finally asked.

"Well, it's about time. Ask away. I'm sure you have so many questions." Naomi answered.

Chloe turned to Tiffany. "When are you due?"


"Are you all pregnant?" Chloe addressed them all.

"No." Naomi, Monica, and Sophie answered at the same time.

Before she could ask why a group of breeders weren't pregnant, Naomi answered her thoughts.

"I just had a child about . . . oh . . I don't know  . . 2 months ago? They give you some time between pregnancies to recoup and breathe for a second. Monica is recouping also. Sophie . ." Naomi paused and gave Sophie a small smile. "Sophie is in the process of being impregnated. Like you."

Like me?

           "Wait! So, I might not be pregnant?" Naomi could hear the flicker of hope in Chloe's voice. She'd heard it before in other girls' voices, girls who didn't make it.

"Chloe," her voice was so serious, so sober. "you are most likely pregnant. You will know soon enough, I know that." Chloe nodded gravely.

"I hope you are." Sophie told her sweetly nodding at her. She was being sincere. She meant it.

"Why?" Chloe was confused. Why would these women want to be forced to breed? Do they know they are science experiments?

"Because women who do not become pregnant are treated very badly here." Naomi answered. "They are seen as invaluable. They are given time. It doesn't always work the first time, ya know. If you are found to be unable to make or carry children full term they get rid of you."

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