Chapter 36

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The room suddenly became chaos. The sound of the glass caskets being smashed by the now woken species in them was suddenly the loudest sound ever. Nothing could ever strike more fear in her heart than the sound of glass breaking. And the sound of water splashing and pouring out all over the place.
Her heart skipped a beat before she tried to turn and run. But how could she get away? Her face was stuck in a anxiously fearful mask, not that she noticed. Her mind was freezing and trying with all its night to function and save her. She tried to run through them as they began to surround her. The looked like monsters that children had nightmares about. They roared and shrieked swatting at her with their claws. Some had scales, others were slimy. So many. So many of them and they didn't seem to stop. Trying not to fall and out running mutated super human species was not working out.
The creepy demon looking species was the first to grab her digging his long black claws into. She screamed in fear, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes. Frustrated by her sound the demon looking species shrieked so loud she tried to cover her ears and the whole room shook. It was inhuman, like a weird dinosaur noise mixed with a blood curdling scream.
                Goosebumps ran up her back. She struggled trying to get out of his claws, but he just dug his claws in harder till his hands had blood on them. That didn't stop her. She kicked and squirmed all the while trying to scream for help but no one could hear her.
        A moth man looking specimen came up to her and began to sniff at her. Sniffed her hair, her neck.
"Get away from me!" She yelled at him. The demon holding her began to sniff her as well. First the hair than the neck.
          More of the other species surrounded her getting closer and  began to sniff her and tug at her clothes. A few tried to bite her or lick her. They had different sounds they made. None of them human sounding at all. A few began to fight each other.
          Feeling hopeless and scared her mind raced "what do I do? What do I do?" She asked herself over and over again.
             Suddenly the demon like specie bit her in the shoulder. She screamed as loud as humanly possible. The sound erupting out of her frightened some of the other species and they jumped back a step and stared at her intensely.
              The demon stuck his teeth into her flesh and ripped a chunk of flesh out of her shoulder and lifted his head victoriously as he chewed her flesh allowing the blood to drip down his chin.
          The other species cheered for him and their intense curiosity grew as they now yearned to taste her as well. She saw their eyes change as they now looked menacingly hungry. Their eyes were all wild.
             Adrenaline kicked in and she kicked a man that looked like an insect square in the face causing one of his giant bug eyes to pop. Grabbing at his face he let out the smallest cry and ran away.
          This act of resistance made the species flood her. The grabbed whatever part of her the could and tried climbing and fighting to get their mouth close enough for a bite. A few had been lucky enough to get close enough for a bite. She screamed and kicked them away. Others grabbed at her trying to rip off her flesh in hopes to eat it that way.

       A bullet when straight into the demon specimens head. He stood for but a moment blood pouring down his face before he fell like the Goliath he was. The sound of the gun scared the species and they ran, some flew on bat like wings. They ran in all directions.
                      Chloe stood shaking in the midst of all the chaos searching for whoever had shot the demon. "Run!" Someone called out to her.
"What?!" She hollered back squinting her eyes trying to figure out who it was. A few more specimens took flight and she was able to see her hero.

             Bergita stood in the door way holding a gun. "Run, Chloe, you must run!"
Chloe's heart was filled at the sight of Bergita. Seeing Bergita standing tall in the doorway with a gun gave Chloe some hope and she was able to breath. Relief. Chloe owed her so much. Quickly getting to her feet she ran toward Bergita. Another shot was fired. Chloe sucked her head down and covered her ears freezing for just a moment. When she looked back up Bergita was on the ground with a hole in the middle of her head.
             "What? . ." She was so confused. She slowly turned around to see Drew holding a shiny silver gun.
"You shot her!" Chloe yelled at him in her rage.
"I was aiming for you." He yelled back just as angry.
"You Bastard!"
"I'll shoot again!" He threatened and he did. This time just barely missing her cheek; her hair moved as it blew past her.
            She stiffened and began to feel shaky and unsure of what to do. Should she talk to him? Hash it all out like the enemies the are? Or perhaps persuade him and soothe him so that he at least wouldn't kill her? She pondered what to do as she looked at him. He was huffing his frustrations, his nostrils flared as he just glared at her; no doubt pondering what to do next.
     "Father, you don't want to do this." Joshua walked up to Drew and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Tyson." Chloe whispered to herself, but they heard her as well. They watched her as she glanced back at Bergita's body. She turned back to Drew with worried eyes. Her heart was beating so loud it sounded like a drum in her ears.
"I'd left Tyson with Bergita. Drew, you have to let me go see him. What if . ." she couldn't say it.
What if one of Drew's "species" had him?!

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