Chapter 2

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She woke up in a fog. The world felt unstable and wobbly. She fought her eyes to open, but they would droop back close. Again she tried, again she failed. Her stomach felt like it was tied in knots. She was starving and nauseous. She grabbed at the sheets beneath her holding it as tight as possible as if that would somehow keep the room from spinning.

"Is she awake?" Oh Shit! Horror filled her, but she couldn't will her body to get up and run. She tried to move her leg and it barely twitched. In fear she decided to play dead.

"I don't know. I know she's alive." he chuckled. Who is that?

She felt a pinch on her thigh and flinched away from his touch.

"Open your eyes, Girly. I know you are awake." he whispered to her in a wicked voice. His tone held promise that he had some bad things in store for her. She didn't even try to open her eyes. She wasn't prepared for what she might see.

He grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her hard.

"Open your eyes!!" he screamed in her face. She weakly pulled her lids apart. it took her eyes to focus on the face so close to hers. It wasn't the same man as before. This man had lighter skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

She just looked at him. She didn't know what to say, what he wanted, and to be completely honest she didn't know if she could talk yet.

He didn't let go of her, he didn't yell at her. He just stared at her in a way that made her feel like he was reading her like a book.

"Do you know where you are?" he asked in a stern, demanding tone. She looked away scrunching her brows trying so hard to recall everything. She remembered the bathroom, the man before, and being scared, but that was it. She very slowly shook her head 'no'.

"Hmm," he was studying her again; no doubt trying to decide if he believed her. "Very good."he let go of her and she plopped back down on the bed.

He began to make his way around the room. He looked through a file and typed away on a laptop. The man from before stood by the door arms crossed staring her down. This struck her as odd. Yes, she was no longer tied down to the bed, but her body felt like a bunch of bags of sand; it's not like she could run.

Uncomfortable with his gaze and not wishing to engage with either of them she turned her attention to the ceiling. The plain metal ceiling was not particularly fascinating either, but at least it didn't have fierce eyes burning into her.

Why am I calm right now? His voice had struck fear in her heart,but now she was more nervous, anxious, and uncomfortable than afraid. but why?

The blonde man walked over to the doctor's tray next to her. He got a syringe and expertly filled it with some sort of clear liquid. He threw her blanket off her, slightly lifted her nightgown and stuck her in the thigh. That's why I am calm.

She wanted to ask if she was going back to sleep , but was too scared to ask. She just laid their feeling emotionally and physically numb. Helpless and hopeless she closed her eyes waiting for sleep to take her over.

"Not yet." the blonde man said to her. She quickly opened her eyes.

He grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to her bed. He sat with a folder and pen.

"Do you know your name?"

My name? My name.

"I think so." she answered quietly her voice shaking. It came out sounding more like a question than a statement. He cocked an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean 'you think so'?" He asked irritated.

"I feel like I'm in some weird dream and this could all not be real. Am I real?" she asked sounding like a very loopy drugged up person. The dark haired man in the corner laughed.

"Well, the drugs are definitely working." the dark haired man said.

"You are real." he told her but she was distracted by the feeling of swishing back and forth like a wave. He noticed he'd lost her again and snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"What is your name? Be a good girl and we will treat you like a good girl. If you are a bad girl and don't cooperate you will be punished." he threatened. His patience was running out.

"My name is Chloe."

"Do you know why you are here?"

"No." her heart began to beat faster. "Am I here because I am crazy?" she whined.

"No." he didn't even look at her. He just wrote in his folder.

"Why am I here?" she asked and silence fell on them all. He refused to make eye contact with her. Neither one would answer her.

"Sir," she addressed him directly. "Why am I here?"

He looked u and met her gaze. "The Professor will tell you."


"When he is ready." his tone was angry. She could see she wasn't getting anywhere with him and laid her head back and let her head swim. She felt so relaxed like she was floating in a lazy river.

"Dang! what is this stuff? I feel so good." she didn't mean to say, but her brain was in such a weird state. "Oh no. That's not good, is it?"

They didn't answer her. Chloe was a good girl. She didn't do drugs, smoke, drinking, or have sex.

"Oh no. Now I'm a bad girl, aren't I?" her face fell into a worrisome frown and her tone was whiny.

"Do not start crying!" the blonde demanded. "I'm not afraid to hit a woman." he informed.

Chloe bit her lip and sunk into the bed.

"He's ready." the dark haired man declared before the door swung open. She lifted her head and watched as five men came in. Four of the men were dressed in all black like the dark haired man, but the fifth man standing in the middle wore a white doctor's coat.

"Chloe." He greeted her with a smile, his eyes beaming and his dimples showing. His eyes were surprisingly bright and cheery. He quickly strode toward her and took one of her hands in both of his. He acted as though he knew her, but she couldn't remember him to save her life.

"Do I know you?" she asked. He tossed his head back and chuckled lightly. He wasn't a scary man. He was tall, tan, and had dark hair with silver on the side. He looked like he could be a model. Man, he'd look good in a suit. Oh thank God I didn't say that out loud.

"No, My dear Chloe, you do not. But I am so pleased to make your acquaintance. I've been waiting for you." he smiled at her like she was a precious treasure.

"You've been waiting for me?" Chloe was so confused.

"Yes!" he beamed at her. He looked at her like he'd just brought in a million dollar check and told her she was going to Disneyland. She didn't understand why he was so excited, especially when everyone else was mean and grumpy.

"What? . . I . . I . . What am I doing here? I'm so confused." She let her sadness seep in her voice trusting him to care and explain.

"Aw! My poor Chloe!" He said in a soothing voice brushing her cheek with his hand but his eyes were still happy. "Allow me to explain." he walked to the foot of her bed making a show of telling her. She just wanted him to spit it out. Was she insane? Was she in a freak accident and no one claimed her?

"You're going to have a baby." he said seriously. His smile was gone now. His face was firm. His eyes still held a twinkle but it was more of a victorious light in his eyes.

Chloe's eyes grew big and no amount of drugs could keep her calm after hearing this news. By some miracle she sat straight up, causing the other men to step towards her.


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