Chapter 27

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             The "Dungeon". It was an old fashion jail cell made of cement in the darkest corner of wherever the heck they were. She sat on the cement slab in the cell, her left hand resting on the slab next to her palm up. She tried not to look at it, but of course she couldn't resist peeking at it a few times. It ached and stung. The pain was bearable as long as she didn't move it.

An "A". That's what he'd branded into her hand. Clearly someone knew of the Scarlet Letter. But of course like Drew normally did, he took something to the extreme. At least he didn't make all those guys hunt like something out of the Hunger Games. That's what she'd thought he was going to do. But no, he was hunting through the men to find the man who'd perpetrated his "wife". 

     The Dungeon was cold, but she didn't mind. It was too quiet though. She knew if anyone spent too much time here by themselves they'd go mad. Is that what happened to Drew? She laughed to herself. Of course not. In Drew's eyes, he was a King and Kings don't spend time in dungeons. 

A King. So weird. She learned her head back against the cold cement wall, closed her eyes and breathed.

She heard the door creek open and didn't move. Internally groaning she tried to keep her eyes closed as long as she could, but curiosity killed the cat and her eyes fluttered open. There was a male figure standing in the doorway, but she couldn't make out who it was. Maybe if she'd had glasses she'd be able to , but her life was a constant blurry mess. 

Slowly he came, she heard every hesitant step till he came into the light right in front of the cell door. Standing so that his face was between two bars he greeted her.

"Hi," his voice was flat.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. Neither of them held any enthusiasm. 

"I came to check up on you."

"Thanks." her voice almost held an air of anger.

"Are you mad at me?" his voice rose slightly and his eyebrows arched.


"Are you sure?" he waited as he saw her think it over. 

"Yes. Yes, I am mad at you." she spat at him and crossed her arms completely forgetting about her hand till it hit her arm and she gasped and winced in pain quickly placing it back on the slab palm up taking breaths to calm herself.

         He waited till she was good again, though he did snicker to himself at her "blonde moment". He didn't like to call them that as he was a blonde and didn't think he was a dumb bimbo in the slightest.

"Why on earth are you mad at me? What did I do?" he asked.

"You didn't try to stop him."

"Who? Josh or Drew?"

"Either!" she was frazzled and mad.


"No. I don't want to hear it, Patrick. I'm drained and mad and ashamed and. . . and so many emotions all at once."

"Hey!" he yelled snapping her out of her own spiral. His face was definitely mad. "Let me talk." he demanded. He waited for her response. She closed her mouth shocked and waited before nodding to him. 

"Go ahead." she whispered. 

"Even if I'd wanted to, I couldn't do anything. If I went against Drew I'd be killed, and if I went against Josh it'd be taken as me going against Drew. He'd have me beaten and tortured till I joined him and if I didn't he'd just have me killed." he explained huffing in anger.

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