Chapter 11

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        30 minutes. That's how long she threw up. Everytime she stopped for a moment and tried to move, it hit again. She heard Bergita whisper something behind her, but she didn't care enough to pay attention, and didn't have the time or breath to ask her what she said.

A warm hand gently grasped her arm. It startled her on for a moment. She turned to meet brown eyes; the Professor's brown eyes. They stared at each other for only a second as she gasped for air.

"I need you to get up." he spoke clearly as though she might not understand him. "Can you do that?"

She nodded and slowly rose to her feet. His grasp on her arm tightened as he helped her to his feet. Covering her mouth with her hand, she begged her stomach to calm down. The Professor pulled her closer and place the back of his hand on her forehead. She was annoyed at his attention and "concern". You stook a baby in me genius.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." he demanded firmly. "Roll your eyes at me again and I will backhand you." At his words she tried her best to compose a neutral face. It was harder than she thought, and though her deep breathing relaxed her cheekbones, her eyes held it all. Her fear, her anger, her search for hope and security, it all shown in the beautiful blue galaxy of her eyes. 

       "I know your just pregnant. I want to be sure your just pregnant." he informed her. "Bergita, take her to the exam room." ordered Bergita but his eyes never left Chloe. He stared at her for a moment longer before walking away. He didn't say goodbye or a weird sexual "see you later" like he had before. Had she lost her chance of security from him? And why did that thought scare her? He was the bad guy! Right? ugh! She wanted to hit her head and knock some gears back in place. Maybe then she'd remember something and all of this would fall into place. Instead she just followed Bergita to the examination room.

          A blonde man stood in the middle of the examination room with his back to her. Oh, No. Please, no. As if in slow motion, he turned around to reveal his face. 

"Shit!" she whispered under her breath. She looked at Bergita with pleading eyes. Bergita, don't you dare leave me. Bergita placed a soft hand on Chloe's back and gave her a gentle push.

"You will be okay, Miss Chloe. Mr. Patrick is a good man." What is Bergita's definition of a good man?! Chloe grabbed Bergita's hand before she could leave.

"Bergita, please, don't leave me." she quietly begged Bergita completely ignoring Patrick's existence. Her palms were sweaty and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. There was no way Bergita could miss her fear, her panic. Right?

"Miss Chloe, I'm sorry, but I have to go." she insisted and pulled her arm out of Chloe's grasp. In a flash she was out the door leaving Chloe to stand stare at a door. She knew she had to turn around and face him, but so desperately didn't want to. 

He let out a laugh. "Oh, come now." The slap of plastic gloves smacking his skin rang through the room. "It won't be that bad, will it?" he rubbed her shoulders. His touch startled her and her muscles clenched instead of relax. "Come get on the bed." he whispered in her ear.

She whimpered a little. Staring at the door she contemplated running. Could she make it? No. She knew he'd catch her and then he'd be allowed to "punish" her. Helpless. 

He firmly grabbed her by the neck and led her to the hospital bed in the middle of the room only releasing her when she was fully laid down. "There." he cooed in a patronizing tone. He smiled at her with wicked eyes.

        "I'm fine." she gulped. 

"Maybe you are." he stroked the yellow bruise on her face. "But i'm gonna check to be sure. That's a nice shiner I gave ya." he laughed.

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