Chapter 13

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          Patrick and a few of his men came barging in the cell knocking Naomi's head aside as though it were just some silly plastic decor and not a human's decapitated head. He reeked of alcohol and looked a mess with crazy hair and a stained wrinkly shirt. 

"Why the fuck are you screaming?" he yelled angrily. Was he serious? Um, Hello? The freaking head you just tossed aside

"Are you kidding?" she spat at him too full of fury to care or worry about any consequences. "Do you not see the head hanging from the door? I mean, HELLO?!" she yelled pointing at the head. She wasn't insane. They were. They had to be. 

The men stopped and looked at the head saying nothing. No one said anything. No one jumped away from it like "Omg! That's a head!". They were completely unphased. Patrick didn't even glance at the head his eyes narrowed and burned into her with as much anger as he could must. To Sophie's amazement Chloe didn't cower or back done her eyes stayed on his still aflame. 

"You better drop this little attitude of yours." he took swig from a flask she now realized was in his hand. "Listen here, little princess, this shit happens. You better get used to it." he took another swig. Raising his hand quickly as though he were going to hit her she turned her head away waiting for the sting of his skin on hers, but it never came. She turned back to him only to find him smiling and laughing. Swig.

"See you around, Princess." he winked and turned his back to her leaving with his men.

"I want to see the Professor!" she demanded stopping him in his tracks. 

He let out a low groan. Turning her threw his flask at her nailing her in the face. It hit her mouth. Her lip was bleeding and swelling up. He stormed up to her, ripped her arm away from her face and drug her out. 

"Chloe!" Sophie hollered after her. 

            He drug her furiously through the hallways banging her body against the walls in a zig zag motion every chance he got. "Are you happy now, Little Chloe?" he yelled at her stopping for just a moment to spit on her before continuing his journey. Once he reached the Professor's door he pulled her to her feet by her hair. "You okay, Sugar?" he asked mockingly before knocking on the big black door.

Knock! Knock!

"WHAT?!" came the angry answer from the otherside of the door.

"You have a guest." Patrick smirked. There were a few sounds muffled from behind the door. A few minutes later the door was cracked open. 

"What do you want?" the Professor grumbled at Patrick. Without saying a word Patrick grabbed her by her hair and pushed her into the Professor's view. Chloe had to grab the door frame to stop herself from going head first into the door. 

"She wants you." Patrick snorted. She didn't have to see him to know he rolled his eyes.

The Professor exhaled. Looking up at him she saw he was biting his cheek looking off in thought.

"Fine." he finally answered and pushed the door open wider revealing Monica was sitting on his desk. "Patrick, escort Monica back to her cell or to the cafeteria if she wants."

Monica's eyes met Chloe's for less then a second before she looked away as though she'd been caught. Why was Monica in his office and on his desk? Where they . . ? No. Ew!Her little hidden face of shame became that of a nasty snot. The amount of attitude on this one girls face was mind blowing. Monica hopped off his desk and strutted past Chloe making sure to hit her shoulder in the process. Chloe pursed her lips fighting the urge to say something. Seeing the commotion between the girls, the Professor smiled a little.Patrick had a different approach; he hit Monica on the back of her head before pulling her hair and leading the way. Monica's protests could be heard down the hallway.

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