Chapter 31

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               Chloe sat in the Lazy Boy in the nursery as Patrick paced back and forth in front of her. He'd been pacing for a good hand full of minutes now, but she didn't stop him or say anything. It was very clear he was thinking some things over in his head. She sat there waiting, admiring his strong arms and wondering if she should've just kept her mouth shut and just let him take her.
          She wanted him. She wanted nothing more right now than for him to make her scream. Oh how delicious she knew it'd be. She wanted to bite his shoulder and grab his butt. She wanted to feel his hips bucking into her's so hard. But she also knew how much she liked him. She was tired of this whole "I want you but I don't like you" thing he had going on. He either liked her or he didn't. And she was going to know one way or another.
           "Ugh! Why'd you have to say that?" He stopped his pacing to look her straight in the eye. "Why? Tell me why, Chloe. Why couldn't we just have a good time?"
"Because then that good time would end and I'd feel like crap. I'd feel ashamed and embarrassed. I don't want that. As amazing as I'm sure sex with you would be, it's not worth feeling like crap for who knows how long afterward."
"Why would you feel like crap?"
"Because I like you. But you . . . You. . Act like a stupid fuck boy sometimes. You act like you like me then freak out and back away and create distance between us even if only with your words. But then it's like you have to know you could have me or that I want you. Maybe you just wanna beat your brother in some weird way. I don't know. All I know is it's stupid and annoying and I'm not going to sleep with you for you to be cold and distant afterward because you finally got what you came for and now I'm nothing."
                He didn't say anything for a moment. She couldn't quite tell what he was feeling and that made her feel a little uneasy.
"Is that what you think of me?"
"Well . . . I mean . . . Yeah . . . Kinda. ."
"Ouch. Well, I will have you know, Chloe Noelle Costner, that had intended sleep with you more than once. Not just sleep with you and toss you aside like you meant nothing."
"I know that was supposed to make me feel better but it doesn't."
"What do you want from me, Chloe? What do you want me to say?" He asked annoyed.
Disappointed. She felt disappointed. She thought that something was growing between them, but she was wrong it was just attraction. Drew was attracted to her. Obsessed over her because he found her beautiful. She wanted something more.
"Chloe?" He saw the her face fall undoubtedly like her heart had. "Chloe, please, don't look like that." He pleaded with her.
        She turned her face away. She was sad and wasn't in the mood to fake a smile for his sake.
"I care about you." He told her. It was like pulling teeth for this guy. Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Okay," she couldn't stop the sarcasm that came out of her.
"I do." He insisted. "I don't like that you share a bed with Drew. But it is what it is and there is nothing I can do about it."
She didn't turn back to him, but she was listening now.
"You make me laugh. I like that. You're fiery. I like that, too." She could hear the smile in his voice. He sounded bashful. She peaked back  at him  and sure enough he was looking at the floor, his hands shoved in his jean pockets like an awkward embarrassed teen. She giggled and he looked up at her and smiled.
"What?" He asked. His grin was so nice. It made him look even more handsome than he already was.
"Oh nothing." She smiled.
          It got quiet again. It was a little bit awkward. There was something in the air. Like they both knew what was going to go down, but we're both a little bit nervous now. Someone needed to break the ice. Normally, he had no issue with touching her and getting close, but now he was a statue frozen in place. She wondered if he could feel the sexual tension or if it was just her.
           Nervously she stood up and walked to the closet. She grabbed two big fluffy comforters and two pillows. She payed the first blanket down and placed the two pillows at the head, making a little pouch on the floor. The other blanket the set next to the pouch. Patrick watched the floor as she made the little bed. He swallowed weirdly nervous. He never got nervous, yet now with her, he was.
           Once the blankets were all set up, she took off her big t-shirt. He inhaled sharply and she knew he was watching her. In a pink bra and matching panties he thought she looked amazing. She turned back to him and caught his eyes. He looked longingly at her, hungry and serious.
         She came to stand in front of him. His hands grabbed her but pulling her closer to his body. She lightly giggled. She ran her hands up his sexy arms ever so slowly.
"Don't make me scream to loud."
He smirked before he kissed her. This kiss was different than the way he normally kissed her. It was soft and gentle. He kissed her sweetly and slowly like he wanted to remember and enjoy every moment. His kisses slowly built up becoming more and more passionate and  urgent. His hands ran up and down her body; up her back to her shoulders, back down to her butt. It was better than a massage. His skin in her skin did something. It was electric.
          Her hormones rushing and the ball in the pit of her stomach aching for more she moved one of his hands to her boob and whimpered in his mouth begging for him to play with her. He grabbed her boob and squeezed it, not too hard, but hard enough for her to respond. He massaged her boob through her bra for a second or two before undoing her bra. He tugged at her nipple and smiled into the kiss when she moaned.
               She pulled her mouth away and tugged at his shirt. "Take it off." She wanted to see him so bad. He took his tight black tee off showing his strong broad chest. Her hands felt along his chest and his abs before she began placing kisses on his chest and feeling his big arms.
"Take off your pants." She begged. She felt like she'd burst if she didn't get to see his manhood. She wanted to see it, to feel it, to taste it. He set to work removing his pants right away but it still felt too long for her. Once his pants were gone he still had on his black boxer briefs. She wanted them gone, too, but before she could request he take them off his mouth was on hers urgently kissing her.
       She kissed him back not wanting to stop for anything, even air. His hands ran threw her hair as he continued to kiss her like no other. Her hands roamed down and felt his dick through his boxers. He groaned at her touch. Her toes curled at the feel of his particularly large package. She could feel the veins through the fabric and the ball in her stomach grew, aching still.
She broke their kiss yet again.
"I want it." She whimpered on his lips. She did. She wanted it so bad.
"Not yet, Baby Girl. Lay down."

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