Chapter 10

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                Three Weeks. Three Weeks went by in such a blur. In a state of such trauma after seeing her bathroom, the men sedated her. Drowsy and out of it for two days she finally came to only to freak out and argue with Drew. Unwilling to "see his side", he ordered that she be sedated. He told the men she was too emotional. Enraged by his words she attacked him. She got one good hit to his head before the men seized her and dragged her away. 

Three Weeks. Three weeks she laid or sat in her room. Bergita tended to her. Drew visited her awake once, to inform her she is indeed pregnant. It didn't make sense to her at the times. She was oddly mesmerised by him and couldn't stop looking at him. This of course stroked his ego.

She slept a lot. The last week they slowly weaned her off her drugs. Everyday Bergita brought her meals and talked to her. On the third day of Bergita telling her, Chloe learned she was in fact pregnant. 

          "Chloe, do understand what I told you?" Bergita asked her gently brushing Chloe's hair behind her ears. Chloe nodded. Bergita smiled so happy to have Chloe back.

"Aw! My Chloe. Welcome back, Little Mama." She gave Chloe a side hug. "It will all be okay." she whispered reassuringly in Chloe's ear. "Miss Bergita will be here the whole time." She patted Chloe's arm before busying herself about the room with small tasks such as folding towels and blankets.

At the end of three weeks, Chloe woke up in her bed. She didn't want to move. What was the point? There was nothing she could do. Her body had already been invaded. She wish she'd jumped up and down everyday after her insemination. For some reason she thought it could never happen to her. That thought seemed stupid now.  That's when it hit her. She was in HER room. The room where it had all gone down. This bed. THIS BED had been filled with a pool of blood.

She groaned and buried her face in her pillow shaking her head furiously. She wished she could reach in her bed grab the image of the body in her bathroom and throw it out a window.  She heard the door open and clothes.

"Chloe," a sweet voice called. "Chloe, you need to get up." It was Bergita. 

"What are they going to do to me?" Chloe's words were muffled by her pillow.

"What'd you say, Child?"

Chloe rolled over and sat up in bed. "What are they going to do to me? I know I hit Drew." 

"The PROFESSOR," Bergita emphasized the name that he should be referred to eyeing Chloe before continuing. "is very much aware you hit him. He has ever so graciously let it go. He is a good man. You should treat him well."

"I should treat him well?"

"It is no surprise that the Professor has chosen you as the young woman he wants. You should treat him well as every woman should treat her man."

"Bergita, the Professor is not my man." 

                     Bergita sat down on the edge of Chloe's bed. "Chloe, I need you to be a good girl. Do you understand?" Bergita's voice was grave and stressed. Her eyes grew as though her pupil's were opening up to let Chloe in on a deep dark secret. "I know Miss Naomi has told you to accept the Professor. I know you are a smart girl. You saw the Elite ladies. You saw the beaten women. Chloe, you need to accept him. For you." a moment passed in silence. 

"Now, let's get you ready for the day." 

                When she entered the cafeteria, all the girls stopped to look at her. How could they not? The last time they'd seen her she was motionless on the floor on the common area floor. A few women gasped. The only sound was of Chloe's own feet and of the Elite women who continued to gab on and on about their shoes, purses, and pregnancy.

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