"Be that as it may, you have transgressed against this House and violated its grounds. You have caused a criminal, under the penalty of the living death, to escape. These are serious charges, and you do not seem interested in denying them."

"That is because I don't. I have broken the law, and yet I am convinced that I have done right. I am not going to argue or fight these charges, though. Do what you have to."

"Right. And what of your accomplices?"

"I had no accomplices."

"You expect me to believe that you freed Jack, and took him prisoner, all on your own?"

"That's right!"

"I do not believe you."

"Well, that's your problem."

"No, that is your problem, and the problem of all who may have colluded with you. I will find out who assisted you, even if I must purge this House myself. Now, I ask you again, who aided you?"

"I did."

Father almost spun when he heard Phaedra's voice. "What did you say?"

"I said I did," Phaedra replied. "I helped Scott."

"No! My own daughter? How could you?"

"Because he needed our help, and we let him down. Yes, Father, I said 'we', which includes you."

"And this madness drove you to betray this House? To betray me?"

"Not madness, Father. I did not do this to betray you. I did it to help a friend."

"Aw, thanks, Phaedra," Scott said. "Thanks for calling me a—"

"Shut up," Phaedra said. "Father, if you feel the need to punish someone for Jack's escape, punish me."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. And not just her, Father."

"Elizabeth?" Father croaked, "you too?"

"Yeah, okay. I may have turned a blind eye to certain escape attempts."

"I trusted both of you, and both of you have betrayed me!"

"We did not betray you," Phaedra said. "You betrayed Scott. Scott has only sought the good of the House. He came to you in his time of need and you pushed him away. And why? Because you have some axe to grind? Some personal vendetta? Father, I was there when Jack and evil Scott took over the House, you know I was. I was imprisoned right there next to you. And yet, when the real Scott Campbell was able, he set us free from our bondage. He did the right thing, Father. And what did he get from you? He does not deserve your contempt, Father. He deserves better."

Father nodded his head. "Perhaps I've been rash. That does not negate the fact that Scott Campbell has violated the rules. However, all this is out of my hands anyway. It seems you have friends in high places, Scott Campbell." Father then stepped over to the head of the table and hit the red intercom button. "Let him in."

The door at the end of the meeting room swung open once more. Scott was not expecting to see the red-haired Scotsman again so soon, but was more than happy to see him. In the Inquisitor's hand was a manila envelope.

"Scott Campbell!" The Inquisitor announced. "I have here, in my hands, a pardon right from the Council of Elders for you. I also have pardons for any and all who may have assisted you during your latest indiscretion. You are absolved of guilt. That means you are a free man, Scott Campbell."

"How... how is this possible?" Scott asked.

"I dinnae ken. They wouldn't tell me, but it comes right from the top."

"Thank you, Inquisitor!"

"Don't thank me. Thank whoever it was on the Council that seems to think you're the bee's knees."

"Ah, because they think I'm the Redeemed One!"

"Don't start on that tosh again! Ah, by the by, I hear congratulations are in order!"

"Oh, yeah! I'm getting married in a couple weeks. I tried to find an address for you so I could send you an invite, but didn't have much luck with that."

"Oh, that's quite alright! So, I'm invited?"

"Of course you are!"

"Brilliant. Cheers! So, where are you headed for your honeymoon?"

"Oh, we never got to deciding that."

"Well, if you'd like to come to Scotland, I wouldn't mind hosting you at my castle."

"Serious? A castle? In Scotland? Hell yeah, sign us up! Or, I'll have to check with Dawn first, but I'm sure she won't mind!"

"I'm sure she won't. Here's my card. Give us a call sometime, right?"

"I will! Thanks!"

"Anyway, I've some work to attend to, so I must excuse myself from present company. Again, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!"

The Inquisitor left the room, leaving Scott, Elizabeth, and Phaedra with Father.

"Well," Scott said, "since that happened, I take it the ladies are off the hook?"

"They are," Father said. "Elizabeth, Phaedra, you may go."

"Father," Phaedra said, "I want you to know that I—"

"Leave me."

Both Phaedra and Elizabeth left. Scott remained there. It was very unlike Father not to be able to stare someone down, especially when he was angry at them, and yet, he could not even look at Scott.

"Go easy on them," Scott said. "If you need to hate someone, hate me. After all, you've been hating me for a long time. I can take it."

"I will take that under advisement."

"I really don't want you to hate me, Father. I wish you could see that I'm not your enemy. Can't we just put this behind us?"

"Just go."

Scott began to leave, but stopped and faced Father once more. "By the way, you are invited to my wedding, if you can make it!"



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