Chapter 6

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"A what?" Zed cried as he piloted the borrowed minivan.

"A succubus!" Cressida responded.

"Succubus? Aren't those spirits who have sex with people?"

"In your dreams, Wolfman."

"You gotta understand," Scott explained, "Zed is a young man."

"Yeah!" Zed said. "It's hormones! So back off!"

"And what's up with you, Campbell?" Cressida asked, "Why haven't you tried draining me yet? Not that you'd find the blood very appetizing, since I am a supernatural creature."

"I'm not that kind of vampire!"

"What? The kind that doesn't drink blood?"

"Well, okay, I'm that kind of vampire."

The minivan pulled up to the curb outside St. Michael's Parish, the secret local headquarters of that secret organization known as Ministry. Zed and Scott dragged Cressida, who by now learned that her resistance was indeed futile, to the rectory that held the entryway to the heart of Ministry. Upon entering the rectory and standing before the iron-bound wood door to the basement lair, the trio was confronted by a long-familiar voice.

"Okay," Professor 'Kitty' Weems said through the intercom, "Who goes there? I've always wanted to say that!"

"Hi, Kitty, it's me, Scott. I'm here with Zed, and we have a prisoner for questioning."

"Scott? Oh hi, Scott! And Zed! Last time I saw you was at the House, and you were kind of in your Grrrr! Wolfman mode! So, how have you been?"

"Kitty? The door, please?"

"Oh! Of course! Sorry, Scott!"

The door groaned as it opened inward, revealing the stone staircase that led into the heart of Ministry. Scott led Cressida by the arm down into the dungeon-like room, followed by Zed. Weems stepped out from the shadows, wearing a lab coat and a friendly smile.

"Hi guys! Good to see you!" She said.

"What are you doing here at this time of night?" Zed asked.

"I practically live here. No, make that actually live here. After my rental agreement expired, I just kind of moved in. I guess that means I'm living with Jeremiah! In a purely platonic sense, that is. Actually, he doesn't even know I'm living here. So, who's your friend?"

Scott shoved Cressida into a nearby chair. "She's no friend, Kitty. Hell, she tried to kill me!"

"She tried to kill you, Scott?"

"Yeah, well," Cressida said, "It didn't take."

"Why would she do that? Why would you do that?"

"Look, I explained to not so tall and dark here that I was doing a job. That's all."

"So, you're a hit... whatever you are?"

"Succubus. I'm a succubus."

"Wow! A succubus? I haven't seen one of you in ages! This is so cool! I have so many questions to ask you!"

"Uh, Kitty?" Scott asked, "Stop geeking out over the lady who was going to kill me, please?"

"Sorry. You know, Jeremiah would probably want to know about any attempts on your life. Maybe I'll go get him?"

The Holy Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن