Chapter 40

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The two vampires took their stances, eyeing each other like two predators fighting over the same carcass. Neither of them made a move towards each other.

"Ah," said the Santa Muerte, "you have taken an ochs guard and an overly wide mensur. Very well."

"And you," Scott said, "have taken the vom tag. I believe that's what your guard is called, if memory serves."

"It does, indeed."

They remained there, eyeing each other, still in their guards. They moved every now and then, but neither opponent made an aggressive move towards each other.

"Wow," Jack said, "This is exciting."

"They are not fighting," Calderon said. "Why are they not fighting? Hey! You two! Are you going to fight, or are you going to bore each other to death?"

"We don't need advice from the peanut gallery!" Scott growled.

"'Peanut gallery'," the Santa Muerte chuckled. "I like that. May I use it?"

"Sure you can, but I do think they have a point. I mean, if we're gonna duel, then, maybe we should actually, you know, duel?"

"Oh. Why yes, that would make sense."

And yet, neither party made an aggressive move toward the other.

"Boy," Jack said, "I'm glad this isn't pay-per-view. I'd demand my money back."

"As would I," Calderon snarled. "We are waiting! Let us see the sword fighting! And the hacking and chopping and blood and guts!"

Spurred on by Calderon's taunts, the Santa Muerte attacked. It was clumsy. Scott easily stepped out of the way of the telegraphed assault. He did not block or parry the blade, and the Santa Muerte simply resumed his guard.

"What was that?" Scott asked.

"I attacked you!"

"You did?"

"Well, yes! And now, you attack me!"

"Oh! Okay!"

Scott made a similarly telegraphed blow. The Santa Muerte parried the blow. Then nothing.

"I thought a duel to the death would be more exciting than this," Torres said.

"As did I," Calderon replied. "Santa Muerte! I am getting tired of this shit!"

"He's right," Scott said, "We have to fight. You have to attack me. Come on, Cristobal. Attack me like you mean it."

The Santa Muerte nodded. "Very well. If you insist."

"I do insist."


"All right."

"I will do it."

"Okay, like now, maybe?"

"Oh! Now! Okay!"

The fight began in earnest – or it seemed to begin in earnest. The attacks came at speed, and so did the parries and blocks. Edge crashed against edge and the ring of steel could be heard throughout the bullring. Calderon seemed somewhat pleased, for now.

However, it was apparent to Scott that even at speed, the Santa Muerte was telegraphing his blows, giving Scott more than enough time to counter his attacks. It may not have been obvious to outsiders not well versed in sword fighting, but it was obvious to Scott that the Santa Muerte wasn't actually trying to kill him.

At one point their blades locked. Scott and the Santa Muerte faced each other down.

"You're making this too easy," Scott whispered.

The Holy DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon