Chapter 23

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Once again, Scott had to take time off work to go save the world – or, his half-brother, as the case happened to be. Zed offered to cover his shifts for him, which was awesome of him (Scott hoped that he'd be done by the full moon, because even though Zed seemed to control his wolf pretty well, it still made its mandated monthly appearance, and a werewolf IT clerk just wouldn't do). Scott was glad that he did not have to 'influence' Robin, his supervisor, to give him the time. She offered it readily, as she was as much a friend as a supervisor (well, Scott did have to stretch the truth just a little – "My newly-discovered brothers' health is in danger", which it really was, so it wasn't much of a lie).

He also had to lie to his mother once again. This was not something he relished, and he feared that she was becoming increasingly jaded. After all, lies wear thin after a while, especially when they aren't very convincing.

"So, you're meeting Doug? Where are you meeting him?"

"Oh, you know, down south."

"Down south where?"

"Uhh," Screw it, Scott. Tell the truth once in a while, won't you? "Mexico. Yeah, Mexico."

"Mexico? Really? My goodness, Mexico. That's a long trip! Where in Mexico?"

"Uh, not sure yet. Doug will let me know. It's a surprise."

"Surprise? Well! It certainly is! So, can I come along?"

"Oh, no, mom, it's a guys only kind of thing."

"Just you and Doug! Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so glad you two are going to be hanging out together! You won't be doing much of that after your wedding!"

"Well, yeah! That's... that's right! Yeah, me and Doug, hanging out, before I get married, yeah, that's it!"

Disaster averted, or so it looked. That accomplished, Scott picked up Dawn (How could he keep her out of his plans? I always talk to her. I like talking to her, because I so love hearing her sweet voice and talking with her and I know this is starting to get really annoying, but I'm a vampire in love so there) and they headed down to Ministry where they met Jeremiah and picked up a few goodies from Doctor Weems.

"Okay, listen up," Kitty said, "We've got cattle prods, Tasers, and these neat little shock collars here," she pointed to a couple items that looked like Fitbits, "These can be adapted to fit the wrist or the ankle and are controlled by this little car-remote looking doohickey here." Kitty picked up the remote, hit the red button and caused the shock collars to arc.

"'Doohickey'?" Scott asked. "Is that a technical term?"

"Anyway," She responded, ignoring Scott's dig, "What will you take?"

"All of it, including at least a couple of those shock collars, complete with remote control doohickeys. "

"We will need a plasma cutter," Jeremiah said, "because the crypt is secured with iron bands. And we will need several bags of blood. Jack will be deep into the bloodlust by this time, and therefore very dangerous. Dawn, do you wish to sit this one out?"

"Hell no," She said, "I'm not sitting this one out. I've dealt with bloodlusting vampires before. Besides, this is family."

"She's right," Scott said, "She's insane, but she's right. Anyway, we will also be needing other weapons. Swords, axes, crossbows, whatever. Supposedly some of the security procedures Elizabeth has placed down there are living."

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