Chapter 7

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"Cressida and I became lovers," Jeremiah said.

"Yes," Cressida added, "And Malek opened doors to me that I never knew would open, including meeting Cleopatra herself. In fact, the Queen and I became good friends."

"No way," Zed said, "You guys knew Cleopatra? Seriously?"

"It is true,' Jeremiah responded, "I was her trusted servant and bodyguard, and Cressida became one of her trusted priestesses."

"Wow," Scott said, "So what happened? How did you guys, uh, break up? And how did you become a Succubus, Cressida?"

"That is what I'd like to know," Jeremiah said. "When last I saw you, you were mortal..."



30 BCE

Malek burst into the temple, flinging open the twin doors.

"Cressida!" He cried. The priestess came out from a concealed chamber on the right side of the dais that held the altar and idol.

"Malek? What's wrong?"

"Octavian has launched his invasion. Already his legions are entering the city, as we speak!"

"And what of General Antony?"

"Dead, by his own hand."

"And our Queen?"

"She yet lives, but I must attend to her. I cannot take you back to her palace, it would be far too dangerous. I have come to tell you that you must leave this city immediately, before the Romans come!"

"No, Malek! I'll not leave without you!"

"You must! Cressida, you are a trusted friend to the Queen. Octavian knows this."

"And so?"

"Do you know what could happen to you, Cressida? After you are gang raped, then you will be scourged. If you are fortunate, the scourging will kill you. If not, you will be crucified."

"Then come with me!"

"I cannot! I must attend to our Queen! But here," Malek took a leather satchel he had been carrying and handed it to Cressida. "Here, I have some maps."

Malek took Cressida to the altar of Hathor, and not caring whether or not he was angering the goddess, opened the maps upon it.

"Here," Malek pointed at a spot on the map, "I have contacts among the Nabateans. They know of my reputation. They are prepared to take you to Arsinoe, and then across the Sinai to Petra. There they will keep you safe, until such time as I can find you."

"You have this all planned out, don't you?"

"Men in my position must have such plans."

"The Sinai is a wasteland! There is nothing there but sand, vipers, and scorpions!"

"It is the only option. The Romans control the harbor. Where else could you go that is not already under Roman rule?"

"What about Judea?"

"Herod is a Roman tool. He would hand you over to Octavian without batting an eye. I'm telling you, these Nabateans have my trust."

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