Chapter 10

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"What... what the?"

Tim was still reclining on the bank of the small stream as he stared in horror at his friend. He was beginning to be able to form words as he looked at this nightmare come real, this nightmare that was now standing before him, towering over him, this nightmare that had once been his best friend.

"Tim?" Scott asked. "Tim?"

Both Larry and Dawn now stood beside Scott, with Bernie soon joining them. Tim could not get up, not yet. Fear would not allow him to move, as his vision bounced from the vampire, to Dawn, then to Larry. These people, these crazy, insane people, were standing beside this monster. What were they thinking? Surely they could see what Scott had become, and yet, they stood beside him, without fear. Were they consumed by madness?

Scott allowed his humanity to return, his fangs retreating as his eyes once again took a normal appearance. "Tim? Tim, it's me, Scott."

Tim's eyes kept bouncing, from Scott, to Dawn, to Larry. They yet stood side by side with him. How? Why? The questions flooded Tim's fear-drenched mind.

"Scott?" Tim whimpered, "That... that's you?"

"Yeah, Tim, it's me. I'm still here, buddy."

Larry put his hand on Scott's left shoulder as Dawn clasped her arms around his waist. "Tim," Larry said, "It's all true. I guess we owe you some explanations."

"So," Tim said, "Scott is a vampire. And you... you all knew about this?"

"Yes, Tim," Dawn said, "We know. Believe me, we know what you're going through. When I found out that Scott was a vampire, the circumstances were, well, kind of traumatic."

"How long have you guys known? Pastor Larry?"

"Well, it's been a couple years."

"A couple years? Seriously? You've been keeping this for a couple years? Dawn?"

"Yeah, not long after Larry."

Scott reached out to Tim. Hesitantly, Tim took his hand, and Scott helped him rise from the forest floor. Tim then dusted himself off. "That would explain your upper body strength, considering you've never been to a gym in your life. So, I'm safe, right?"

"Yes, Tim. You are absolutely safe. Just because I'm a monster doesn't mean that I'm a monster, or something like that."

"I don't get it. Why did you never tell me? I mean, I'm your best friend!"

"I wanted to, Tim. Believe me, I wanted to. I just couldn't."

"Couldn't? Why not?"

"Well, several reasons, really. First, I was afraid of how you'd react. Yes, this is one vampire who is afraid. I was afraid that you would reject me. Fear me. Even hate me. I didn't want that, Tim. I wanted one friend who was normal."

"And Larry and I aren't normal?" Dawn asked.

"That's not what I mean, sweetheart, I mean someone who was unaware of what I was, because I was afraid that would cloud their judgment. But I've learned, with the help of Pastor Larry and Dawn, that I can be accepted for who I am, in spite of what I've become. That I can even be loved."

"But, does this mean you have no soul?"

"Actually, apparently, I do have a soul. I mean, I've been to Heaven, so, you know --"

The Holy DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora