Chapter 2

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"This isn't what I would call a 'romantic evening out', Dawn," Scott told his fiancée, their backs to each other as they stood in the middle of the seedy dive bar, surrounded by a group of very hungry-looking leather- and denim- clad vampires.

"You don't?" The red-haired young woman responded. "Come on! Don't you know that the family that slays together, stays together?"

"I was envisioning candlelight, a nice dinner, some wine, and maybe some passionate necking. Being surrounded by a bunch of pissed-off vampire bikers wasn't what I had in mind. Besides, didn't you tell me we weren't here to slay anybody?"

"I did," She replied, as she gripped a Taser gun in one hand and a wood stake in the other, "We don't have to kill these guys. All we need is some information, that's all. Besides, a nice dinner? Really? Scott, you don't eat food."

"Yeah, I keep forgetting that. Anyway, all we need is the location of their treasurer, Marty McConnell."

"He is wanted by Ministry and Enforcement. Seems he has an appetite for young women."

"Yeah, he does," One of the denim-clad vampires said. The gang separated, allowing a tall, muscular, grey-haired and sunglass-wearing vampire to step up to Dawn and Scott. "Marty is especially fond of young red heads. Can't say as I blame him." A smile suddenly appeared on the tall biker vampires' face as he extended his hand. "Name's Bill. Bill Clawson. I'm the Road Captain for the local chapter of the Bloodlusters."

"Oh," Scott said as he shook Bill's hand, "Okay, it's nice to meet you, Bill. I'm Scott Campbell."

"Oh, no shit? Scott Campbell? The Scott Campbell?"

"Ah, you've heard of me?"

"Well, of course!" Bill turned to his gang. "Hey, guys! This here is none other than Scott Campbell. You know, the 'Chosen One'. The guy who beat Jack at his own game."

A couple of the vampire bikers grunted their acknowledgement. Beyond that, the gang was obviously unimpressed.

"Well, what can I say. Bunch of ignoramuses, am I right? Anyway, Scott... may I call you Scott?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Scott. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you. And since you are Scott Campbell, this lovely young thing must be... wait for it... Dawn. Rhinebeck. Am I right?"

"You are," Dawn did not ease the tense grip she held on either the stake or the Taser. Bill bowed his head to her.

"A pleasure. You are as lovely as you are deadly. Such a nice combination of beauty and toughness." Bill looked Dawn up and down, obviously appreciative of the view.

"Hey there!" Scott growled, "That's my fiancée! Watch where you're going with those eyes, mister!"

"Well, no shit! You're engaged? Congratulations! This is a lovely turn of events. Absolutely lovely, which is really too bad, all things considered."

"Why would you say that it's really too bad?" Dawn asked.

"Because it's like this: there's no way in hell any of us would give up our brother in arms to the likes of you, especially considering that we already owe you for another of our brothers who you just happened to murder."

"You guys gotta understand," Scott said, "Cerdic had death warrants from both Ministry and Enforcement."

"And he got what he deserved!" Dawn spat.

The Holy Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن