Chapter 45

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Scott and Dawn stood together, hand in hand, as they greeted the departing guests, each congratulating them on their wedding, as well as commenting on how 'unusual' it was. Both of them quickly came up with false but hopefully reasonable-sounding excuses for the action that occurred that afternoon.

"So, that guy with the gun," Phil said. "That was... what was that?"

"Oh, mistaken identity," Dawn said as she watched Grace assist two Gresham police officers with Gibson, who was now in handcuffs.

"He's a vampire!" Gibson cried as he struggled against the officers. "I have to kill him! He'll kill us all!"

Grace, still in her bridesmaid's dress, shoved Gibson into the backseat of the marked police Ford and slammed the door. "Vampires, right? What a nutcase, am I right?"

"It's off the rubber room with him, for sure," the female police officer said. "Thanks for the assist, detective!"

"My pleasure, officer!"

Doug Campbell came out of the church, also now in handcuffs, escorted by deputy US Marshals. They allowed him a brief moment to speak with Scott and Dawn.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell," Doug said.

"I like the sound of that," Dawn replied.

"Congratulations, both of you."

"Thanks, Doug," Scott said. "It's been... well, I can't quite say it's been a pleasure getting to know you!"

"Can't blame you! But you know, Scott, pleasure or not, it's been a privilege, and, dare I say, an honor?"

"Eww," Dawn spat, "don't mention 'honor' again, okay?"

"It has been, though," Scott said. "A privilege, and an honor. I mean that."

"Even if I'm basically just a crook?"

"You're a crook, and I'm a vampire. It all works out!"

"Yeah, well, my ride's here, and they aren't exactly patient. Thanks, Scott, for everything."

"Any time, brother."

As the Marshals escorted Doug to an awaiting van, Doug looked back at Scott. "Hey, Scott, if you ever find yourself anywhere near Leavenworth, look me up, okay?"

"I sure will!"

Irene Campbell stood with Scott and Dawn, looking on as Doug was taken from the scene. "That's so sad," She said. "He was such a nice man. Who knew he was a wanted criminal?"

"You never know with some people, mom," Scott said. "Some people may surprise you."

"You are a constant source of surprise, Scott Campbell! Please tell me you and your wife will stop by and visit an old lady from time to time, won't you?"

"We certainly will, Mrs. Campbell," Dawn said as she hugged her mother-in-law.

"Thank you, Mrs. Campbell!" Irene said before heading to her Prius.

Elizabeth was the next to walk by. "Well, congratulations, I guess."

"Thanks, Elizabeth," Scott said. "That means a lot."

"Well, it helped that your wedding didn't totally suck. Those Federal Marshals really came in handy."

"That wasn't planned."

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