Chapter 5

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The masters students all rose from their seats as if by unison, preparing to make their ways home for the evening.

"Remember, guys," Professor Santiago said, "If I am not your thesis advisor, to check with me by next Tuesday so I can coordinate with your advisor. The rest of you? Well, since I am your thesis advisor, please tremble in fear. By the way, that was a joke, kind of."

Scott rose from his seat as well, placed his laptop in his black leather backpack then slung the heavy pack over his shoulder. Of course, the pack was not heavy at all to him; he did have superhuman strength. However, he did not want to alert others to his status as inhuman, so he pretended to be especially burdened.

"Mr. Campbell!" Professor Santiago said, "I appreciate your observations on Julius Caesar's populism. Not that I totally agree with you, but it was a well-supported discussion. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, professor."

"Oh, by the way, how's your thesis coming?"

"Haven't even started it, to tell you the truth. Been kinda busy with work and planning a wedding."

"I understand. But the premise sounds interesting, regarding Romano-Egyptian relations from prior to Caesar's arrival to after the defeat of Antony. I hope you are getting sufficient assistance on that!"

"I am." And indeed, he was. After all, Scott personally knew someone who was there during those turbulent times. Jeremiah had even offered to appear before the class and give his views concerning the topic, of course pretending the event to be a well-researched dramatic presentation and not an eyewitness account. Scott passed on the offer.

"Well, well!" She said as Scott turned the corner from the lecture hall. Again, he had no clue she was there; again, the Demon Princess of Simeon College completely surprised him. "There you are! What a coincidence, running into you again!"

"It's a small college, Jill."

"Why, yes, it is!"

"What do you want, Jardine?"

"Progress report. Actually, the CEO is wanting me to gather progress reports on you."

Scott walked away from the attractive demon. "Report away, then."

"Scott, slow down! So, the wedding is about a month away, isn't it?"

"Yes, and thank you for reminding me, as if I needed the extra stress!"

Jill was quite able to catch up with Scott and was now walking down the hall by his side. "Aw, that's sweet! So how come I'm not invited?"

"It's going to be in a church."

"Yeah, a lot of weddings are."

"You're a demon."

"Yeah, so?"

Scott stopped in the hall then glowered at Professor Jardine. "It's not the kind of place a demon would feel comfortable in. Besides, we're not friends."

Jill came close to Scott, her body mere inches from his. "We could be friends."

"Oh, that's just great. You're trying to seduce me. Ain't gonna happen!"

"Wow, and I thought you were the vampire who didn't have a huge ego. 'Trying to seduce you'? I mean, sure, you're probably a lot more fun than a vibrator, but you're not really my type, you know?"

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