Chapter 13

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"You have a brother?" Dawn shouted.

"Apparently," Scott replied as he spoke into his cellphone. "It's true, I have a long- lost brother I never heard of and never knew existed until a few minutes ago."

"Whoa. I mean, whoa. A brother? That's got to be pretty shocking!"

"I know, right? I mean, not 'you have just become a vampire' shocking, but pretty darn shocking enough! I mean, why had I never heard of this guy? Why didn't my mom and dad tell me about him?"

"Yeah, and why did he show up right now?"

"That's a good question, but considering the fact that he may be the guy Cressida was looking to kill...."

"Seriously? Why would you think that?"

"Well, his name is Douglas Campbell, just like Cressida said. He's from Georgia, originally, like Cressida said. His mother's maiden name was Mowatt, like Cressida said. And, apparently, he likes to hang out in strip clubs."

"Which you are never going to again."

"Which I am never... yeah, yeah, but are you getting any of this, Dawn? He fits the description! He must be the target! Don't tell me this is all coincidence, Dawn!''

"Oh, I wasn't going to, Scott. You may be right. And he didn't tell you why he all the sudden just showed up?"

"He gave some cock and bull story about wanting to meet his 'family'. Of course I didn't buy it."

"Well, maybe you need to find out. Take him out somewhere – not a strip club – and get to know him."

Scott sighed. "Well, tell you the truth, I think I screwed up there, Dawn. I kind of stormed out and closed myself in my room."

"Scott, are you ten years old? Because I did that when I was ten years old."

"Yeah, okay, I guess maybe I'm not taking this whole thing well."

"You think? Look, Scott, you have good reason to be concerned, but let's not jump to any conclusions before you have all the facts. I don't need to tell you that you should be the bigger man and reach out to your brother. If he's in trouble, or even if he isn't, he's hurting, and he needs friends."

"You're right, Dawn."

"I usually am."

"Oh yes, you are. I should be the bigger man, or vampire, as it were."

"Of course, it wouldn't hurt to let Jeremiah know. He is your Jedi Master, isn't he?"

"My Sensei. My Mister Miyagi. Yeah, I should definitely let him know about this turn of events."

"Good. And if you take your brother out somewhere, invite me along. I'd like to get to know my soon to be half-brother in law."

"I'll call you, I promise."

"Good. I love you, you know."

"I know. I love you too."


Jeremiah stirred, looking across the unmade motel room bed at Cressida, who had been staring at him as he slept. A smile came to both their faces.

"It must be about noon," She said, as she wrapped her arms around him, her naked body touching his.

"I take it you slept well?" Jeremiah asked.

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