Saying goodbye to Leah.

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"Laurian is here." I heard before walking in the door. I looked at Leah who looked like she was shaking. "She has some girl with her." We laughed and walked in. "Hey twobit." I said walking in finding him look out the window. "Hey Laurian how ya been?" He asked not turning his head to face me. "Pretty good." I said walking to find the others. Soon as I walked in I saw Dally and his girl Erica. "Hey Laurian." Soda said flashing a warm smile. "Hey Soda." I said flashing a smile back. I felt Leah tug my arm so I turned to face her. "His name is really Soda?" She asked making her eyebrows go up. "Yes he has a brother named Ponyboy." I said as we walked to the boys. "Cool." She said with a smile. "Everyone this is Leah my sister." I said as Leah gave a little wave to show she was shy. "Don't be shy Leah." Daniel said ruffling her hair. "Hey you messed my hair up." Leah said softly hitting his arm. "Dally?" I called to his back. "hmmm?" He said not turning around. "Can you stop sucking face and talk to us?" I asked tapping his shoulder. "Back off." Erica said looking at me with an evil eye and went back to kissing Dally. "Its okay Erica later." he said giving her one last kiss. She rolled her eyes and gave me a face that looks like she wants to say 'I want to punch you until you bleed' but it didn't scare me. Ponyboy walked out his room with a smile and a book. "Is that book interesting Pony?" I said giving him a hug. "Yeah but I'm all done." He said looking up and to Leah. "Who is she?" He asked putting the book on the table. "Oh this is-" "My name is Leah." She said cutting me off. "Nice to meet you Leah I'm Ponyboy Curtis." Pony said giving her a smile. It kinda looks like they like each other but I'm not gonna jump into conclusions they just met. "So Laurian I heard you and Daniel are gonna move in together." Dally said smirking. "Yeah we are. Actually we're gonna go back to the man tomorrow." I said smiling as Daniel grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. "Nice Daniel your gonna be hitting it every night." Steve said smiling. "Lucky." Soda said looking down at the floor. Steve high fived Daniel and I glared at them both. "You guys are gross." Leah said rolling her eyes. After that we played around like always and laughed eating chocolate cake.


It was getting pretty late and Leah was getting pretty tired. "Laurian are you ready?" Daniel said yawning stretching his arm and legs. I nodded my head and we headed to the car.

Daniel took Leah and I home and left. "Did you have fun?" I asked her as she changed into her pajamas. "Yeah I did I like it here." She said looking down. "What's the matter?" I asked her putting my t-shirt over my head. "everything is good back home but I don't want to leave." She said with a sad face. "I don't want to leave you." she continued letting a tear fall. I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her head. "It's okay Leah you can come visit us again when ever." I said comforting her. "I meant to ask when do you leave and where did dad go?" I said as we parted from our hug. "Dad is at a hotel and we leave tomorrow. He's coming back her in the morning to pick me up." She said sniffling. I was shocked I didn't know what to say. "Leah tomorrow I'll help you pack and tonight lets have the best night ever." I said giving her a smile. She smiled jumping up and down. "Can your friends come too?" She asked giving me the puppy eyes. "Sure I'll see if they can stay with us." I said picking up my phone.

I talked to the girls and they said they were on there way. I felt bad for Leah so I'm gonna make this night count. I heard the door bell ring and went down stairs to open the door. "Hey guys." I said as the girls walked in with there bags. it was funny how all of them came at the same time. Sydney little baby bump got bigger. I still can't believe she is going to be a mother.
"Okay let's get this night started." Leah said smiling.

We ordered pizza and wings played around telling jokes doing each other's makeup and hair. We played truth or dare making me tell things that was embarrassing and dares I hated to do. We had challenges and sung songs all night. My mom even came in playing around with us until I kicked her out. Sometimes she can be embarrassing. "Sydney are you pregnant?" Leah asked scratching her chin. "Yeah are you now realizing my huge tummy?" Sydney said laughing. "I thought you just gained weight and lacked exercise." Leah said looking away making us laugh. We continued what we were doing and start doing flips. Surprisingly Leah knew how to do them too.

Leah let a big yawn out making us yawn too. We relaxed on the floor and next thing I knew we were all sleep on my little bed and floor.

Beep beep beep
My alarm clock went off waking everyone up. I looked at the time and had another hour until Daniel picked me up and go house hunting. "I have to take a shower before daddy gets her." Leah said getting her pink towel and walking out the room. I looked over at the other girls that were looking at me. "What?" I said putting my hands up. "Nothing I have to get going. Ty is waiting for me I have an appointment with the doctor." She said as Leah walked back in the room. "I'm gonna go take a shower then head out." Neah said going in my closet to get a towel. We all took showers and got dressed. My dad came and picked Leah up. "Laurian Im gonna miss you." She said sniffling. "Don't cry Leah we'll see each other again." I said hugging her tight. She nodded her head and I kissed her forehead. "Love you dad." I said hugging him after my mom. "Love you too." He said squeezing me tight. Leah hugged my mom and the girls and left waving goodbye. One after one they all left and I felt a little sad when Leah left.

I looked at the time and heard a horn beeping outside. I got my coat and went outside to Daniels car. "Hey baby." He said giving me a long loving kiss. "Hey." I said smiling when the kiss was over. "Lets go find our house." He said pulling off smiling.

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